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Yet another bomb in Volgograd.

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..and Christians have been all peace & love throughout that time frame.
So you feel that makes it okay for Islamists to bomb? I think I know how your mind works now.


---------- Post added 02-01-2014 at 22:08 ----------


Pitiful grasp of the complexities there Al.
Is that supposed to be some kind of put-down comment? The best you can do?


Islamists kill, in vast numbers. They kill all kinds, including their own. They have done since the very beginnings of Islam. They hate everyone and everything that is not fully compliant with their literal interpretation of the Koran. They do not, will not and never have reasoned. They have nothing good to offer to anyone. They will never change. Everyone hates them, including other Muslims. They may cease to exist.


It's that simple. There is nothing complex about it.

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You obviously dont if you believe that was the point I was making.


Is this really all you have in your life?


---------- Post added 02-01-2014 at 23:24 ----------


So you feel that makes it okay for Islamists to bomb? I think I know how your mind works now.





(Reuters) - A car bomb killed at least five people in Hezbollah's stronghold in southern Beirut on Thursday, the latest in a series of deadly attacks on Shi'ite and Sunni targets in Lebanon.


Several other cars were destroyed by the force of the blast, the blackened and twisted wreckage smouldering on the street in front of buildings whose facades were torn off by the explosion.


Health Minister Ali Hassan Khalil said five people were killed and 66 wounded. A security source said the blast was caused by a car bomb.


People at the scene said that in addition to the five confirmed dead, the charred remains of a body was found on Thursday evening. A security source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the body was that of a suicide bomber.


The explosion occurred less than a week after former finance minister Mohamad Chatah, a critic of the Shi'ite Hezbollah militant group and its ally Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, was killed along with six others by a car bomb in Beirut.




Two car bombs have exploded outside a hotel in the Somali capital Mogadishu, killing at least 10 people.


The blasts were at the Jazeera hotel which is frequented by Somali politicians and foreigners.


Reports say the blasts were followed by exchanges of fire between security forces and the attackers.


The Somali Islamist militant group al-Shabab, which was driven out of Mogadishu in 2011, said it carried out the attack.


The al-Qaeda-linked group still controls many southern and central areas of the country and has continued to launch attacks on the capital.




Special forces have clashed with hundreds of Sunni militants in two Iraqi cities.


The clashes with the fighters from the al-Qaeda linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) were in Fallujah and Ramadi, where some 250 fighters were equipped with armed vehicles.


Both cities are in the province of Anbar, where Sunni militant activity has been on the rise.


At least 23 people were killed in militant attacks elsewhere in Iraq.

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An interesting article giving an insight into the historical reasons for terrorist Russian bombings= http://www.huffingtonpost.com/brian-glyn-williams/the-dark-secret-behind-th_b_4531256.html

It doesn't condone the bombings but gives a little more insight into the historical issues of the region.


---------- Post added 03-01-2014 at 04:03 ----------


I have said it on here before and been attacked by muslims.


I'm just putting the idea out there as an answer to the question of how do you defeat an enemy that welcomes death. Simple, you make death something they do not want. Its a simple tactic, turn your enemies strengths against them.


Wrapping terrorists in pig skins when they are dead is not the answer Wex although I'm guessing it would give you and your sort some sick kind of buzz! :rolleyes::hihi:

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Were you attacked specifically by the poster you described as 'Muslims like yourself'?


No, but the person I was referring to does defend the activity of Muslims based on nothing more than them being a fellow Muslim to the poster.


Like I said, its been discussed before and when the idea came up, Muslims became pretty unhappy with it. Ignoring the fact these people killed innocent people, but preferred to defend their religious rights over the human rights of their victims.


It would seem that its Islam first then everything else to many who subscribe to that faith.


---------- Post added 03-01-2014 at 08:53 ----------


Wrapping terrorists in pig skins when they are dead is not the answer Wex although I'm guessing it would give you and your sort some sick kind of buzz! :rolleyes::hihi:


Not at all. I'm unsure why you keep trying to make this personal or joke about it. If extremists who profess to be representing your faith are in many Muslims' words, not real Muslim's, then you should not see any need to defend them and side with those trying to quash their activities. Its in your interest too to remove the people who give you such a bad name or do you like reading the vitriol on sites like the Daily Mail towards Muslims in general? These peoples voices are not dying out, they are growing and its wont be white, none muslims who could suffer if things do not change.

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i think you have more chips on your shoulders than anyone on here bf :hihi::hihi::hihi:


Indeed he does. Mccains don't have that many chips, and rather funny as it came from the person who is always the first to resort to the insults.

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Islamists kill, in vast numbers. They kill all kinds, including their own. They have done since the very beginnings of Islam.


Whereas Christendom has been an oasis of peace. In the last hundred years alone Christians have started two world wars which have killed tens of millions. Add in all the other wars and as a Christian you ought to be aware of a saying in the Bible about someone without sin casting the first stone.

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Whereas Christendom has been an oasis of peace. In the last hundred years alone Christians have started two world wars which have killed tens of millions. Add in all the other wars and as a Christian you ought to be aware of a saying in the Bible about someone without sin casting the first stone.


What makes you think Aleksandr is Christian?

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