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Relationship between our paradigms and experience.


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I suppose logically there should be a correlation between our world view and our subjective experiences - but then sometimes people aren't always logical.


I think that's one reason why prejudice exists - because people are quick to filter out any experience they have which runs counter to their world view; but instantly recognise any piece of information which confirms their world view.


I also think that's why often we unconscously repeat the same mistakes in life - such as choosing similar people as partners that are not good for us.

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I could discuss this until world's end, but I'd need more feedback, why are you asking such a philosophical question?


I find this kind of thing most interesting too. I suppose the 'why' is to better understand myself, my responses, and ultimately to have a more satisfactory life experience (not that life is unsatisfactory right now).


Personally, I find myself at times having a somewhat cynical view of society and people in general, and I am sure this in turn influences my behaviour, which in turn, reinforces my cynical world view. A self fulfilling prophesy...


The reverse is true, when my outlook is rosy and happy and I feel friendly, my experience and response I get from people is equally positive.


I'm no expert on this matter though, it's just really what I've observed in myself.


---------- Post added 31-12-2013 at 12:51 ----------


... people are quick to filter out any experience they have which runs counter to their world view; but instantly recognise any piece of information which confirms their world view.


I also think that's why often we unconscously repeat the same mistakes in life - such as choosing similar people as partners that are not good for us.


Quite agree.


I've also heard the expression, something like, people get more of whatever it is they think about. We think the world is a particular way, we look for more of that and filter out whatever doesn't match, and consequently we're experience more of what we think the world is like, so this reinforces our world view.


I've also heard the expression, we don't see the world as it is, we see the world as we are ... or maybe I made that one up! :-)

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The most obvious contradiction of the idea of a correlation must surely be apparent to those who believe in a merciful, caring, omnipotent, personal God, but who see no evidence of it in the world around them.


Oh god no, soon as anyone mentions the g word, it's like the death knell for any thread on here. :)


Interesting to note how people get very defensive about their world views (esp. when they don't realise it's just a point of view they hold, but deeply believe they are in possession of absolute truth).


If you ask me, 'god' is a three letter English language word. I think to really deeply understand our own nature and fathom the depth of being, we need to let go of such words and constructs.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm interested in the relationship between our paradigms (perspectives, world-view, etc) and our subjective experiences in life.


Does one create the other, is there a feedback loop type relationship? What do you think?


I really get the feeling that most people want this for themselves. That in their lifetime, they want the perspectives to be the subjective experiences. But in reality, you probably have to change a little bit on the perspective in order to reach the subjective experiences.


I think we are born with a paradigm naturally but we get batted to change this as we grow. :hihi: But this is what most people say about dreams, cos if you do not follow it, by trying to find that paradigm, then you will lose it as you experience more of life, and then you will be stuck. Yet, at some point, you will realise that you can indeed go back to the paradigm. I think this is called "mid life crisis" cos suddenly you want to follow that dream again but it is too late. Then you suddenly regret everything and throw every bit of thing away.


I think every day we should do both and set new goals. :P

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