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Oh do shut up you sceptics , WHAT ARE YOU LIKE !!!! :P


Not quite as bad as yourself, by the looks of things...

Well , I for one think the bible is a total load of tosh & most definitely a fantasy book For a start who on earth in their right mind can believe that someone created a woman from a mans rib !!!!! :loopy:. That is just downright stupid . A virgin cannot give birth unless someone used a turkey baster with sperm on it . So I reckon Joseph was either married to Mary or they were living in " sin" . Either way , I believe they were having sex. So , yes , I do think Jesus was born , but not in the way the bible says it did , but as a result of sexual relations between Joseph & Mary. Mary may well have given birth in a stable , as there may well have been no room at the inn at the time and she was going into labour so couldn't find anywhere else to give birth .That is quite possible . I reckon Jesus started an early cult where he spoke about his beliefs to people that were quite different from the norm for those days . So there was no wonder the Romans were annoyed with Jesus because what he was talking about went against everything they believed in . They saw him as a threat therefore executed him . As people know I believe in ghosts & I believe that it was probably his ghost people saw when he was supposed to be resurrected . So , anyone who thinks someone can walk on water is sadly misguided unless the person had an early type of water ski . This is just my opinion , so no asking for proof or anything , just my thinking ;)
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Well I stand by what I said . You give me one ounce of proof that someone can make water into wine or create a person from a rib then you can slate what I believe in .


Thanks, but I don't need your permission to slate what you believe in (not that I have done anyway).

My beliefs were here a long time before christianity

Absence of belief was here a long time before that :)

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Well I stand by what I said . You give me one ounce of proof that someone can make water into wine or create a person from a rib then you can slate what I believe in . My beliefs were here a long time before christianity


But they are just as delusional.

How is your goddess by the way ?:hihi:

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