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Teenage daughter's homework


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Any ideas on how to get our 14 year old daughter to actually take her homework seriously and complete it on time. Do we try rewards or punishments? Last year she actually missed doing a couple of homework assignments. This was only brought to a halt when the teacher concerned took the old fashioned step of giving my daughter lines to write. They took my daughter hours to complete and she always makes sure she does homework for that teacher on time.


This term she missed homework for another teacher once and was threatened with a essay if she repeated the offence. Needless to say she now ensures she also completes that homework for that teacher but there are other subjects where she really needs to start work. Any ideas? The only thing that's made her buck up was when I threatened to ask the school to regularly assign her extra homework.

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Have ypu tried asking her school to put her on homework report where teachers must sign to say that she ahs completed the task to an acceptable standard? That can work in the school i teach in and you then have hard evidence to back up any sanctions you put in place at home. I would make it clear that she has a choice. She can choose to do her work or choose not to, but with that choice comes the removal of certain privilages. This tactic empowers the child and removes the eliment of battle. It is no longer as unfair in her eyes as it was her choice.


Good Luck

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Just been through this with my 14 year old son.

He loves to play games on line and his homework suffered through it.

We didn't realise that he wasn't doing it until he got his report from school.


To solve it I barred him from the pc for two weeks and made sure he did his homework as soon as he got home.


After the two week ban he can go on the pc after he has done any homework he has been given.


One slip up and it's a lifetime ban.


He knows that I mean it too :o

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How about arranging for her to do some horrible job for a couple of days, like emptying bins, or cleaning offices. Tell her that unless she gets an education, she'll be in for a lifetime of rubbish work. Worked for me. I only got back into education after a couple of years in telemarketing. After that, homework seemed much more worthwhile.

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Originally posted by Lisak

Any ideas on how to get our 14 year old daughter to actually take her homework seriously and complete it on time. Do we try rewards or punishments? Last year she actually missed doing a couple of homework assignments. This was only brought to a halt when the teacher concerned took the old fashioned step of giving my daughter lines to write. They took my daughter hours to complete and she always makes sure she does homework for that teacher on time.


This term she missed homework for another teacher once and was threatened with a essay if she repeated the offence. Needless to say she now ensures she also completes that homework for that teacher but there are other subjects where she really needs to start work. Any ideas? The only thing that's made her buck up was when I threatened to ask the school to regularly assign her extra homework.


Harsh school, which one does she go to??


We get a thing called a homework report slip - 3 of them and you get an after school detention for 1 hr writing out the school rules!! And I thought that was bad


Being a 14 yr old guy I do most of my homework any way, you can never do them all but 95% of most kids is done. Maybe she couldn’t do it? Have you talked to her?? Have you asked her to do it - better late than never!!


Ill give you some advice - putting her on report will make her do her homework for the period she is on it but it will make her not like you possibly friends/other students may make fun too, and will be recorded on a 'record of achievement' thing which may jeopardise her chances of getting a job with much work to do at home


Try the nice approach of helping her and maybe not being so harsh on her and making her maybe do it even after deadline - better late than never!!

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Apart the odd bit of coursework (which I only did 50% of) I probably only ever did about 5 piece's of homework in all my years at school.. Just didn't have the motivation to pull myself away from the stuff kids do out of school.


If you offer help, kids would probably see that you're interested in what they're doing and will do it with you next to them.


I only ever did the homework that my Dad sat in on and helped (explained stuff in a dad way).



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