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Love is the answer.

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Strange. I seem to remember reading that Jesus hadn't come to bring peace, but a sword - and to set family against family.
Are you suggesting that Jesus was encouraging people to be violent? Every action of peace and love that was demonstrated by him was exactly the opposite.


You appear to be distorting a meaning out of context. The sword was meant as a symbol of pain, meaning becoming a follower of Jesus would unfortunately inevitably divide people.

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Are you suggesting that Jesus was encouraging people to be violent?


Janie, read carefully: where did I say Jesus was encouraging people to be violent - and where did I say sword was anything other than symbolic. I didn't.


Annie B claimed Jesus was a mild mannered man preaching peace, love, etc; when the Bible quite clearly portrays a very different man; someone who hadn't come to preach peace; someone who intended to cause conflict between family and who threatened and insulted people. None of that is peaceful, Janie.

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Janie, read carefully: where did I say Jesus was encouraging people to be violent - and where did I say sword was anything other than symbolic. I didn't.


Annie B claimed Jesus was a mild mannered man preaching peace, love, etc; when the Bible quite clearly portrays a very different man; someone who hadn't come to preach peace; someone who intended to cause conflict between family and who threatened and insulted people. None of that is peaceful, Janie.

"Threatened and insulted people" I and many others must be missing something your seeing.

They're are numerous references where Jesus condemns violence, greed, prejudice, injustice and hate, and in the end he paid a great sacrifice for doing so.


---------- Post added 02-01-2014 at 13:15 ----------


Anyway, I doubt it was Halibut's intension to see this thread turn into a religious debate, so we'll leave it at that now.


Who was it that said, "Love makes the world go round" and" Love conquers all" I like those phrases.:)

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Janie, try again. How does Matthew 10:34-36 & Luke 12:51 make Jesus a mild mannered peaceful man. When someone states his intentions aren't peaceful - and that he intends to cause division - that means he is not mild-mannered or peaceful.


If you want I can pull all the verses out where Jesus calls people dogs, vipers and makes threats.

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Janie, try again. How does Matthew 10:34-36 & Luke 12:51 make Jesus a mild mannered peaceful man. When someone states his intentions aren't peaceful - and that he intends to cause division -that means he is not mild -mannered or peaceful.


If you want I can pull all the verses out where Jesus calls people dogs, vipers and makes threats.

If that's how you prefer to see him that's entirely up to you. I've said what I think about the sword metaphor.

And I could think of worse things then "dogs or vipers" to call some people, couldn't you?


Again though, you are repeating the same tactic, by selecting some verse to present on the thread that you've taken out of context.

Why don't you read the parables or great many parts where where Jesus is expressed as loving, peaceful and compassionate for a change instead of searching for parts you can misrepresent for an atheist agenda.

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If that's how you prefer to see him that's entirely up to you. I've said what I think about the sword metaphor.


Nobody was talking about the sword; except for you. The sword metaphor is irrelevant. It's also not how I prefer to see him, it's how the bible portrays him - something many Christians like yourself try to ignore.


I was simply pointing out how the Bible portrays a vastly different man from the one invented by those like yourself and Anne B. You also failed to answer my point: how is someone who states he hasn't come to bring peace, but intended to cause division, peaceful and mild mannered.


And I could think of worse things then "dogs or vipers" to call some people, couldn't you?


They were both very insulting terms back then. Still, it just further proves my point that he wasn't mild mannered and peaceful.


And make up your mind. In your last post you pretended Jesus didn't insult people. Now you are practically agreeing with me that he did.


by selecting some verse to present on the thread that you've taken out of context.


Please show me how I've taken those verses out context.

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No one was talking about the sword; except for you. The sword metaphor is irrelevant. It's also not how I prefer to see him, it's how the bible portrays him - something many Christians like yourself try to ignore.


I was simply pointing out how the Bible portrays a vastly different man from the one invented by those like yourself and Anne B. You also failed to answer my point: how can someone who states he hasn't come to bring peace and intentionally cause division, is peaceful and mild mannered.




They were both very insulting terms back then. Still, it just further proves my point that he wasn't mild mannered and peaceful.


And make up your mind. In your last post you pretended Jesus didn't insult people. Now you are practically agreeing with me that he did.




Please show me how I've taken those verses out context.

Let anyone interested decide for themselves whether a couple of insults were meant as in the way you're interpreting them.

I've made it perfectly clear why division was predicted, and you only have to read about the reaction from some of the Pharisees and Sadducees leading up to the crucifixion to have an understanding of that.


I don't intend turning this thread into yet another disagreement about the scriptures, they're are plenty more of them to post on if that's what you wish.


All I have to say Ryedo is that if you honestly think Jesus Christ was bad, then you must have a very low opinion of the rest of mankind.

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Are you suggesting that Jesus was encouraging people to be violent? Every action of peace and love that was demonstrated by him was exactly the opposite.


You appear to be distorting a meaning out of context. The sword was meant as a symbol of pain, meaning becoming a follower of Jesus would unfortunately inevitably divide people.



Which would mean that when Ryedo40 said

"I seem to remember reading that Jesus hadn't come to bring peace, but a sword - and to set family against family."

he/she was correct.


God couldn't have sent Jesus to bring piece if the division of mankind was inevitable.

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