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Political predictions for 2014.

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I wouldn't have predicted this:


BNP's Nick Griffin declared bankrupt



"He added: "I am now turning the experience to the benefit of hard-up constituents by producing a booklet on dealing with debt."


He could sell a few copies to the solicitors who he's dropped in a financial mess.


It's a difficult choice as who to support - solicitors or Nick Griffin.

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I wouldn't have predicted this:


BNP's Nick Griffin declared bankrupt



"I am now turning the experience to the benefit of hard-up constituents by producing a booklet on dealing with debt."


What's it going to say "Run away from it by declaring yourself bankrupt and leave others to pay for your debts". Very responsible.

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My predictions for the next election


1 - Whoever wins the next election will trumpet loudly about having a mandate and the support of the people and then completely ignore the wishes of those same people if they don't happen to coincide with the party 'vision'.

2 - 40-50% of the electorate will not have voted, either in protest or out of apathy and more than 60% of the electorate that did vote will have voted for someone else, this will be quietly ignored and all non voters dismissed as apathetic despite websites, protests and news articles to the contrary.

3 - Roughly half of the election manifesto won't be implemented in the lifetime of the parliament due to more pressing matters re prioritising the work of parliament, these manifesto pledges will tend to be the popular ones the electorate voted the party into office for, they will reappear on the manifesto for the subsequent election with definite promises of action if office is achieved but even then they will be pushed back due to other more pressing matters or finally debated by a handful of MP's in a late night sitting and voted against.

4 - There will be further revelations of sleaze, corruption, and criminal activity, very few if any MP's will be sent to jail for this, all will claim they are working within the rules conveniently ignoring the fact that they wrote the rules.

5 - Lobbyists with the deepest pockets will still get bills that favour them passed.

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Whatever the result of the Scottish independence referendum the result isn't set in stone forever; if the yes camp win the nationalists will still campaign for independence and if the yes camp win, unionists will campaign to restore the union.

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Whatever the result of the Scottish independence referendum the result isn't set in stone forever; if the yes camp win the nationalists will still campaign for independence and if the yes camp win, unionists will campaign to restore the union.


It'll bury the question for an entire generation at least.

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