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Political predictions for 2014.

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for the first time in my life, (I'm age 45), I kind of feel sorry, for the Tory Central Command.


although I've always rated them, I never thought I'd feel sorry for them. I was brought up, to oppose them.


but I know, they haven't done that done that bad a job. So it must be excruciatingly painful, for them to know also, that they are almost certainly going to lose the next election.

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for the first time in my life, (I'm age 45), I kind of feel sorry, for the Tory Central Command.


although I've always rated them, I never thought I'd feel sorry for them. I was brought up, to oppose them.


but I know, they haven't done that done that bad a job. So it must be excruciatingly painful, for them to know also, that they are almost certainly going to lose the next election.


I think the Tory's will win the next election. Perhaps not outright but i predict that they'll have the most seats.


---------- Post added 03-01-2014 at 15:46 ----------


Not to me.... sorry...


What political issue is more important in your opinion.

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I think the Tory's will win the next election. Perhaps not outright but i predict that they'll have the most seats.


---------- Post added 03-01-2014 at 15:46 ----------



What political issue is more important in your opinion.


To me personally?

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As Europe have a bigger sway on the UK than Scotland does I reckon the EU elections are reasonably important...


They are very important and it's a shame some many people treat them with complete apathy. However in my opinion Scotland leaving the UK would alter the politcal landscape of the UK beyond recognition.

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They are very important and it's a shame some many people treat them with complete apathy. However in my opinion Scotland leaving the UK would alter the politcal landscape of the UK beyond recognition.


I don't think Scotland will leave....just my opinion... there are too many unknowns for them I think...

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I think the Tory's will win the next election. Perhaps not outright but i predict that they'll have the most seats.


They could get the largest share of the vote but fewer seats than Labour. The electoral system is against them and they'll need to outpoll Labour by over 5% to get a majority.


Until recently I'd have bet on them being the largest party but Ed Miliband has finally found some policies and Cameron has forgotten that Labour is his number one enemy and is just throwing out dog-whistle soundbytes as a knee-jerk reaction to UKIP. The Tories should forget about UKIP and remember that in a general election the choice is between a Labour PM and a Tory one.

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