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Political predictions for 2014.

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I think the Tory's will win the next election. Perhaps not outright but i predict that they'll have the most seats.




that is not good enough, for them. They know they haven't won an election, by the time it comes around in 2015, for 23 years. If they don't win it outright, they are nothing after all that time.

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They could get the largest share of the vote but fewer seats than Labour. The electoral system is against them and they'll need to outpoll Labour by over 5% to get a majority.


Until recently I'd have bet on them being the largest party but Ed Miliband has finally found some policies and Cameron has forgotten that Labour is his number one enemy and is just throwing out dog-whistle soundbytes as a knee-jerk reaction to UKIP. The Tories should forget about UKIP and remember that in a general election the choice is between a Labour PM and a Tory one.


But middle-england (who decide elections) are still highly sceptical of Ed Miliband. I think 2015 could easily be a repeat of the 1992 election.


---------- Post added 03-01-2014 at 17:19 ----------


that is not good enough, for them. They know they haven't won an election, by the time it comes around in 2015, for 23 years. If they don't win it outright, they are nothing after all that time.


It's a point Tory's hate being pointed out but it's a very true one. I don't think you can say the Tories are finished though. They're still firmly in charge of things at the moment.


---------- Post added 03-01-2014 at 17:21 ----------


Left whingers to continue to blame Thatcher on this country's ills. (Reminder: She left office in 1990; that's an awful long time ago.)


But she was one of the most influential PM's of all time. She moved the UK from a manufacturing and primary economy to one based on banks and the service industry. The result of this change is being felt very strongly today.

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As a Scot living in England I don't get a vote on the Referendum - fair enough. My own view is that I very much hope it won't happen because I wouldn't trust Salmond as far as I could chuck him. Most Scots I know who are for independence don't want him in charge but you can just see it now - he so thinks he's the dog's and struts around like he owns the place. Can't stand him!


I think it's going to be close but am hopeful the 'Nos' will scrape through. So far there is no credible evidence this is a good move for Scotland economically. It's too late in my eyes for it to happen not to mention the amount it's going to cost every UK taxpayer to uncouple things like benefits, pensions, tax, NHS etcwhich currently are dealt with on pretty much a national level. It will cost billions to deliver the IT alone to make it happen.

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