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No hope youngsters contemplating suicide

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Things are very different now.

When I was young we didn't have telephones in most homes. My parents used to send me to relatives to relay messages sometimes miles away.

Nowadays children have mobile phones etc.

I recall my father walking to work because he didn't have the bus fare.

When I was laid off from work I was not allowed to sit at home I had to go round the different works to see if they wanted anyone.

These are a few examples of what it was like 50 or so years ago, maybe instead of moaning we need to count the benefits of life nowadays.

Oh and not to forget my grandfather and father had both been through world wars and their families had endured the blitz.

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So if Anna B were to berate the young people who, according to the Prince's Trust, are experiencing mental health difficulties like self harm, then would your response be any different?


Yes it'd be different - that would be excessively insensitive as well as grandstanding to push a political agenda.

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Yes it'd be different - that would be excessively insensitive as well as grandstanding to push a political agenda.


But I do think that private matters like mental health are in many respects political issues - not necessarily party political ones. Everything from the food our children are eating (such as the influence of E numbers), work / life balance, and the often transitory nature of much of today's society impinges on how people feel about themselves.

I don't think it's necessarily about pushing a political agenda because as is often the case "the personal is the political".

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Sensationalist claptrap.


You can't find a kid these days who doesn't have 'issues' or 'learning difficulties'. It used to be boredom or just the actions of a little brat. Now it's a case of someone let down by adults, by society or 'anybody-but-me'.


Blame, blame, blame.


When I was younger I aspired to have letters after my name. These days nearly every child does and they're usually ADHD.

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Sensationalist claptrap.


You can't find a kid these days who doesn't have 'issues' or 'learning difficulties'. It used to be boredom or just the actions of a little brat. Now it's a case of someone let down by adults, by society or 'anybody-but-me'.


Blame, blame, blame.


When I was younger I aspired to have letters after my name. These days nearly every child does and they're usually ADHD.


Actually you could probably find millions of children who don't have issues or learning difficulties. There were lots of happy Brownies on the news this morning celebrating their birthday. Also when I go walking in the peaks I regularly encounter groups of youngsters, maps in hand, backpacks on with their camping gear.


The problem is these kids don't get the same level of attention than some glum kid on the front of The Star, wasp-chewing mum in tow, bemoaning their lot.

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If you were to berate them then it'd be different, but all I see is a never ending stream of handwringing "oh it's just so awful..." That's nothing more than grandstanding of misery.


I write to MPs and ministers often. Not that they give a toss, I doubt they even read them. I never get a proper reply.


However if I can make other people as angry as I am, and they write too, and demonstrate etc, maybe (just maybe) they'll begin to take some notice.


It's called 'consciousness raising.'


Too many people take too little interest in politics until it affects them personally, which is why we have such dire governments. There's an election coming up in 2015, and unless we can put pressure on, the candidates will be the same handpicked bunch of lying 'yes men' that we always get. Who will you vote for?

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Because the population keep voting for governments that allow high immigration and spend money on less important things.


Nothing to do with the government, but hey, let's blame it on the obvious candidate.


I had suicidal tendencies as a 15/16 year old, I was in love with a girl, we had a great time, we lost our virginity together and she left me for someone I thought of as a friend.


Teenagers are weird human beings, they are programmed to rebel against 'adults' in a bid to claim their own freedom. It is nature.


I am happy to report that I grew out of this phase and am now happily married and have got actual letters behind my name, with a few more coming quite soon.

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