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School extends half term to respond to local needs

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Many schools arrange for an INSET day to fall on Id-al-Fitri.

Absenteeism has such a bad effect on an Ofsted report that anyway to avoid them will be tried.


But then again I know of at least one school that organises 'twilights' and then take all 5 INSETS adjacent to one of the half-terms .... but for the benefit of the staff more than anyone else.

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Blackburn school extends half term (but recovers the lost days at a different time) to allow Pakistani families to travel to Pakistan when the weather is more conducive to visiting.


Probably a good thing in the short term but in the long run I think this is probably divisive and will lead to further segregation in schools. This school locally will become known as the Pk friendly school and people of Pakistani origin will try and get their kids in there while parents from other backgrounds will get get fewer places there. A two week half term will probably become a three week half term - attendees at this school will have their holidays at different times to other schools in the locality meaning they will mix less with other school kids and mix almost exclusively with their families and kids from the same school (who at present are 85% of Pk origin). The kids will become more and more socially isolated from the rest of society. A case of good intentions leading to further division in my opinion.


Good or bad - any thoughts?


Its a stupid idea when you consider if your average non pakistani family run the risk of fines if they decide to go on holiday during term time. There would be no chance of me getting my lads school to work their terms around me and my family. Why should these people be any different?

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Its a stupid idea when you consider if your average non pakistani family run the risk of fines if they decide to go on holiday during term time. There would be no chance of me getting my lads school to work their terms around me and my family. Why should these people be any different?


Eh? Why not? A school can have its holidays whenever it wants. If they want to have 2 week half terms and less at other times it is up to them. Send your kids to a different school, lots of independent or 'Free Schools' do this now.

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Blackburn school extends half term (but recovers the lost days at a different time) to allow Pakistani families to travel to Pakistan when the weather is more conducive to visiting.


Probably a good thing in the short term but in the long run I think this is probably divisive and will lead to further segregation in schools. This school locally will become known as the Pk friendly school and people of Pakistani origin will try and get their kids in there while parents from other backgrounds will get get fewer places there. A two week half term will probably become a three week half term - attendees at this school will have their holidays at different times to other schools in the locality meaning they will mix less with other school kids and mix almost exclusively with their families and kids from the same school (who at present are 85% of Pk origin). The kids will become more and more socially isolated from the rest of society. A case of good intentions leading to further division in my opinion.


Good or bad - any thoughts?


Parents have been ripped off by travel companies for a generation and schools have not done a thing to help (by moving holiday dates requested by parents). What has changed now? Is this schools starting to try and become more flexible towards its pupils or something else?

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Eh? Why not? A school can have its holidays whenever it wants. If they want to have 2 week half terms and less at other times it is up to them. Send your kids to a different school, lots of independent or 'Free Schools' do this now.


Perhaps im just behind the times.

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My parents took me off school for 6 weeks in Oct/Nov when I was at school - once in my final year Jnr School and once in my third year Snr. It was the most conducive time to visit re the weather. I never complained at the time - I was getting six weeks off school!


I really can understand the pressures for families that have moved here from Asia - it's such a long way to travel, and in my case, my family back in India live all over the country so travelling to meet them all took days and eats into the time you have when you're back.


I just know that I chose never to take my son out of school for such a lengthy period - his education was more important to me than visiting family in India - having said that, though, there was less pressure on me to do it.


A tough decision for the families in Blackburn.

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Its a stupid idea when you consider if your average non pakistani family run the risk of fines if they decide to go on holiday during term time. There would be no chance of me getting my lads school to work their terms around me and my family. Why should these people be any different?


Are the parents at this school excused from being fined for taking their kids on holiday during term time?

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