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Secrecy in government over pit closures

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A lot of the documents released today have been redacted. Too sensitive to be released even after 30 years.


A persistent allegation is that some of the "police" on the lines were no such thing but were soldiers dressed as Police. Ken Capstick repeated this today on Radio 2 and I've heard it from another source today as well.


This is the first I've heard of such a claim. Can't quite see the logic behind it as there were more than enough metropolitan police wanting a trip up North for a punch-up and overtime money.


Me too, I've seen plenty of interviews from met police who were happy to turn for lots of overtime and a punch up. Army never even hinted at.

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A lot of the documents released today have been redacted. Too sensitive to be released even after 30 years.


A persistent allegation is that some of the "police" on the lines were no such thing but were soldiers dressed as Police. Ken Capstick repeated this today on Radio 2 and I've heard it from another source today as well.


This is the first I've heard of such a claim. Can't quite see the logic behind it as there were more than enough metropolitan police wanting a trip up North for a punch-up and overtime money.


I would suspect that the redactions are due to the security services being involved - they certainly had a brief to keep an eye out for overseas fundings coming in to the NUM and they tipped off about how likely Orgreave was to get ugly as well.


Like you say though I've heard the one about the soldiers before, and I don't buy it either.

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and scenes similar to those in Orgreave would have been played out across the country many times over.


The sad thing isn't there was a list of 75 pits, it's that there were 75 pits not making any money to get put on the list in the first place!!!


Please the police orchestrated Orgreave, it was agreed before Scargill arrived he'd be arrested, and as Taxman says it was rumoured some of police were dressed up soldiers.


I was told this many years ago by people that were involved in the strike, and don't forget that police statements were altered at Orgreave, and court cases stopped as the charges were as trumped up as an elephant's fart.

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The sad thing isn't there was a list of 75 pits, it's that there were 75 pits not making any money to get put on the list in the first place!!!

im not so sure, im sure IF a list of 75 pits were published some would dispute that they wernt making money and thats a possible reason why the list was witheld

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Please the police orchestrated Orgreave, it was agreed before Scargill arrived he'd be arrested, and as Taxman says it was rumoured some of police were dressed up soldiers.


I was told this many years ago by people that were involved in the strike, and don't forget that police statements were altered at Orgreave, and court cases stopped as the charges were as trumped up as an elephant's fart.


Charges were trumped up, and back then (and not now obviously;)) syp were, in large numbers apparently, bent. But soldiers? I'm not so sure.


Nice to see we're all moving on though. Stalingrad recovered quicker than South Yorkshire has.

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im not so sure, im sure IF a list of 75 pits were published some would dispute that they wernt making money and thats a possible reason why the list was witheld


Mel the point is Scargill said there was a list, Thatcher went to commons & national TV and blatantly lied, sating no such list existed. And before McGreggor died, he admitted that he and Thatcher politically motivated the strike, as revenge for them destroying Heath's government.


People can believe what they want over soldiers but for so many to say it, but as TFH says onwards now.

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A lot of the documents released today have been redacted. Too sensitive to be released even after 30 years.


A persistent allegation is that some of the "police" on the lines were no such thing but were soldiers dressed as Police. Ken Capstick repeated this today on Radio 2 and I've heard it from another source today as well.


This is the first I've heard of such a claim. Can't quite see the logic behind it as there were more than enough metropolitan police wanting a trip up North for a punch-up and overtime money.


I think the source of that claim was that the police personnel weren't wearing their official ID numbers on their uniform which I believe thay had to do....whether they still do or not I'm not sure

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Mel the point is Scargill said there was a list, Thatcher went to commons & national TV and blatantly lied, sating no such list existed.

indeed, its just been on the news saying the exact same thing, they blatantly said there was no such list

now if they can lie about a list, what else can / do they lie to us about, ALL governments, not just hers

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No it wasn't get facts right King Arthur said they had a hit-list of pits close that was secret, that cow Thatcher stood up in Commons & on national TV and said no such list existed.


This totally vindicates Scargill and if had been known 30 years ago the strike would have been unanimous and we'd have been shut of that evil cow long before she retired. It is proven that there was a secret list of 75 pits to close with the loss of up to 55,000 jobs.


Scargill is a parasite who got too big for his boots and needed dealing with , and the Great Mrs Thatcher did just that . Scargill could not be allowed to continue , he had to be squashed .

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Scargill is a parasite who got too big for his boots and needed dealing with , and the Great Mrs Thatcher did just that . Scargill could not be allowed to continue , he had to be squashed .

Thatcher(may she rot in hell) wanted scargill out of the way and didn't care about destroying peoples jobs and lives to do it.Now it has been proven she told LIES.So the police lied,the witch lied,the goverment lied all to get rid of scargill because in your opinion he was getting too big for his boots:loopy:

I'm suprised you haven't tried to blame our current council for making the witch lie:hihi::hihi:

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