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Huge truck bomb exploded in Iraq. Are Al Qaeda taking over?

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Meanwhile, in Afghanistan the Taliban are about to regain control of Helmand province.


Both of these interventions, Iraq & Afghanistan have been a disaster. Within five years both will be under the control of the insurgents we are fighting.


Both are defeats, & every Allied soldier who lost their lives or was maimed will have made that sacrifice for nothing.


Politicians are to blame, & they will walk away without any redress & richer than before.


Well cant grieve over it. What's done is done. Bush Junior will be remembered for Iraq just as Johnson is remembered for Vietnam although Johnson can also be remembered for achieving more positive things during his presidency..


Afghanistan has always been ungovernable and Karzai is a crook. I hope they destroy all the poppy fields befoe they leave so that nothing more can be grown on them for 100 years. We dont need drugs imported from that useless country

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The problem I have, is that this is the fourth war Britain has waged in Afghanistan. The previous three have ended in defeat.


Someone once said that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.


Never has this been more true.


Surely the whole point of politics is to take into consideration past mistakes when considering current action?


Politicians have a habit of sacrificing people better than themselves for self interested expediency, once again, this is what has taken place.


Will anyone, other than the innocents killed & maimed & the troops killed & maimed suffer in any way for this debacle?


Once again, the people responsible for this entire disaster will walk away untouched & rewarded for their actions.

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The problem I have, is that this is the fourth war Britain has waged in Afghanistan. The previous three have ended in defeat.


Someone once said that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.


Never has this been more true.


Surely the whole point of politics is to take into consideration past mistakes when considering current action?


Politicians have a habit of sacrificing people better than themselves for self interested expediency, once again, this is what has taken place.


Will anyone, other than the innocents killed & maimed & the troops killed & maimed suffer in any way for this debacle?


Once again, the people responsible for this entire disaster will walk away untouched & rewarded for their actions.


Rewarded how? Bush isn't being rewarded. His decision on Iraq left a lasting shadow over his presidency. Word, if true has it that he fell off the wagon, drinks a lot now and is on the outs with Laura.


As for Cheney one of his daughters recently tried to get into politics by running against the incumbent governor of Wyoming. After something of a debacle she has now withdrawn her challenge. If she thought the Cheney name would open doors it seems she was mistaken

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The problem I have, is that this is the fourth war Britain has waged in Afghanistan. The previous three have ended in defeat.


Someone once said that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.


Never has this been more true.


Surely the whole point of politics is to take into consideration past mistakes when considering current action?


Politicians have a habit of sacrificing people better than themselves for self interested expediency, once again, this is what has taken place.


Will anyone, other than the innocents killed & maimed & the troops killed & maimed suffer in any way for this debacle?


Once again, the people responsible for this entire disaster will walk away untouched & rewarded for their actions.



There is no better way of winning a war than to divide your enemy and leave them fighting amongst themselves. I'm trying to imagine a more complete victory. I can't think of one state that sponsored terrorism that isn't now fighting a civil war. Let them do the job for you whilst you sit at home eating bacon sandwiches and supping beer.:hihi:

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Rewarded how? Bush isn't being rewarded. His decision on Iraq left a lasting shadow over his presidency. Word, if true has it that he fell off the wagon, drinks a lot now and is on the outs with Laura.


As for Cheney one of his daughters recently tried to get into politics by running against the incumbent governor of Wyoming. After something of a debacle she has now withdrawn her challenge. If she thought the Cheney name would open doors it seems she was mistaken


Tony Blair has done very nicely. WARNING link will take you to the daily mail website - it was the most current one I could find although I heard he's coining even more in now http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2261133/Tony-Blair-Hes-taken-millions-dictators-cosied-warlords.html

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Tony Blair has done very nicely. WARNING link will take you to the daily mail website - it was the most current one I could find although I heard he's coining even more in now http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2261133/Tony-Blair-Hes-taken-millions-dictators-cosied-warlords.html


Blair got it so wrong. The current politicians aren't making that mistake. Egypt, Libya Lebanon and Syria are all at war with themselves and we haven't got a boot on the ground.

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I dont think a middle east in turmoil will benefit anyone. It cant be a good scenario with refugee camps packed with thousands of women and kids, some of them orphans.

When will it get so bad that oil supplies will be in jeopardy?


According to the news this morning much of the rest of the world see the US as lacking in leadership these days but who can blame Obama for not wanting to get the US in yet another ground war in Syria especially since very few in this country want anything more to do with another war.


If US policy in the middle east could be regarded as overall a failure what about the policy of China and Russia towards Syria when the civil war first broke out? Their policy of non inervention led only to this disasterous situation.


It's a troubled world alright when leaders of major nation and the UN dont seem to have a clue what to do


I cant remember another time in my life when everything seemed to be so screwed up

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I dont think a middle east in turmoil will benefit anyone. It cant be a good scenario with refugee camps packed with thousands of women and kids, some of them orphans.

When will it get so bad that oil supplies will be in jeopardy?


According to the news this morning much of the rest of the world see the US as lacking in leadership these days but who can blame Obama for not wanting to get the US in yet another ground war in Syria especially since very few in this country want anything more to do with another war.


If US policy in the middle east could be regarded as overall a failure what about the policy of China and Russia towards Syria when the civil war first broke out? Their policy of non inervention led only to this disasterous situation.


It's a troubled world alright when leaders of major nation and the UN dont seem to have a clue what to do


I cant remember another time in my life when everything seemed to be so screwed up


There are no winners in the middle east. They resent you if you help and resent you if you don't. Not helping is cheap and doesn't waste the lives of your soldiers. Trying to help just results in those being helped planting bombs and killing those trying to help.

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