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Huge truck bomb exploded in Iraq. Are Al Qaeda taking over?

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Across North Africa and the Middle East the Arab Spring is turning into a golden opportunity for islamic groups like 'al qaeda" to exert their influence and power either through the ballot box or violence. It doesn't matter how or when they achieve their aims, they are patient, moving their pawns carefully into position and striking whenever the opportunity arises. The West may not be certain how many groups are operating and if they are collaborating given the complexity of islam, and is loathe to become involved again in unwinnable conflicts which only lead to adverse public opinion. Especially given the increasing importance of moslem communities across Europe and the U S who are gaining ground with their demands for islamic laws and customs to be accepted.

The West faces a choice; stop the rise of radical islam and the jihadists now or face chaos and a return to the middle ages in the near future


Well that's not exactly the only choice is it?

At the moment there are many Islamic radical factions that aren't exactly popular around the world. They are currently taking on governments in many Islamic countries. The west and for that matter Russia could supply those governments with weapons with which to eliminate such opposition. At the moment there is turmoil across almost every nation tainted by Islam.


However should a country fall and be taken over by the insurgents we no longer need to try to sort out pockets of these guys with the odd drone. We can flatten the barracks or indeed the whole country using air strikes and cruise missiles. That's the problem with being a country. You become easy to target. Ask the Saddams of this world.

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Did they really. Clearly not the technology to make a posting correctly or a link that actually leads anywhere. However I saw a previous list of these marvelous inventions. I seem to remember there wasn't much beyond the egg whisk. No internal combustion engine, no radio, computer, TV, electricity, steam engines, antibiotics, flight etc. Just a few bits of low tech crap. Not really much for 1 billion folk over a millennium. Perhaps you are being held back by your religion.


Actually the Babylonians a Semitic people were the first to develop mathematics to the level that we recognize today. Without that we wouldn't have been able to develop as industrial nations as we have.


Thinking about it, if we didn't have maths we wouldn't have machinery, if we didn't have machines we wouldn't need oil.


So it really is all their fault :o:D


---------- Post added 07-01-2014 at 14:59 ----------


Rewarded how? Bush isn't being rewarded. His decision on Iraq left a lasting shadow over his presidency. Word, if true has it that he fell off the wagon, drinks a lot now and is on the outs with Laura.


As for Cheney one of his daughters recently tried to get into politics by running against the incumbent governor of Wyoming. After something of a debacle she has now withdrawn her challenge. If she thought the Cheney name would open doors it seems she was mistaken


That's the law of unintended consequences for you. The corporate guys did OK though didn't they?


The plan has gone awry because the Americans disbanded the Iraq army & police instead of putting new leaders above them & keeping the lid on.


Now we have chaos & it may present problems getting the oil where we want it.


As they say, no plan survives first contact with the enemy. Should have given more thought to it.


Still, Tony Blair is a Multi Millionaire & hasn't been charged with any war crimes yet so that's OK.

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Actually the Babylonians a Semitic people were the first to develop mathematics to the level that we recognize today.


But then Muhammed arrived and brought Islam with him and their society crumbled along with their hanging gardens.

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But then Muhammed arrived and brought Islam with him and their society crumbled along with their hanging gardens.


Not really. Google Suleiman The Magnificent as mentioned earlier. It's a bit too simplistic to try to blame everything on religion.

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Not really. Google Suleiman The Magnificent as mentioned earlier. It's a bit too simplistic to try to blame everything on religion.


Just another Muslin intent on inflicting his religion by force on folk who didn't want it.

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Did they really. Clearly not the technology to make a posting correctly or a link that actually leads anywhere. However I saw a previous list of these marvelous inventions. I seem to remember there wasn't much beyond the egg whisk. No internal combustion engine, no radio, computer, TV, electricity, steam engines, antibiotics, flight etc. Just a few bits of low tech crap. Not really much for 1 billion folk over a millennium. Perhaps you are being held back by your religion.



Though the Chinese invented saltpetre gunpowder, and used it in their fireworks, it was the Arabs who worked out that it could be purified using potassium nitrate for military use.

Which is far more important than the internal combustion engine, radio, computer, TV, electricity, steam engines, antibiotics, flight.

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Just another Muslin intent on inflicting his religion by force on folk who didn't want it.


You could not be more wrong. He was a truly great man who brought in laws to protect Christians & Jews living in lands under his control.


When he captured Rhodes & had the Knight Templar's at his mercy instead of slaughtering them he allowed them to leave & sail to Malta.


A highly intelligent & cultured man it's a shame there doesn't appear to be anyone like him around today to get a grip on things.

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You could not be more wrong. He was a truly great man who brought in laws to protect Christians & Jews living in lands under his control.


When he captured Rhodes & had the Knight Templar's at his mercy instead of slaughtering them he allowed them to leave & sail to Malta.


A highly intelligent & cultured man it's a shame there doesn't appear to be anyone like him around today to get a grip on things.


Suleiman became the Sultan at the age of 25, upon succeeding his father Selim I in 1520, and began a series of military conquests. Sounds like just another war monger to me.

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Suleiman became the Sultan at the age of 25, upon succeeding his father Selim I in 1520, and began a series of military conquests. Sounds like just another war monger to me.


Yes just like the British Empire was & all other Empires for that matter. We are talking about 1520 after all. :)

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