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Huge truck bomb exploded in Iraq. Are Al Qaeda taking over?

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I agree, but if a bomb is going to kill innocent people, I would prefer it to kill someone I don't know, it might be a little selfish but I don't have enough love to spread between 7 billion people. Every time a bomb blows up in the UK the risk of death for someone I know increases, if all the bombs blow up in Iraq the only people that I know that are at risk, are soldiers, and they knew the risk when they joined up.


I can agree with that.

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Oh well that's OK then. I'm sure now they know that they'll all put away the Semtex and stop the killing. What a wonderful little life you lead in your tiny world isolated from reality.


Are you going to cure world poverty in the same way.


You do an awful lot of sneering at anyone who suggests that dialogue and diplomacy are a good idea.


What's your own position exactly? Use violence as a first resort and damn the consequences? Would you rather punch someone in the face than talk to them?

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You do an awful lot of sneering at anyone who suggests that dialogue and diplomacy are a good idea.


What's your own position exactly? Use violence as a first resort and damn the consequences? Would you rather punch someone in the face than talk to them?


I do believe that there has been rather a lot of dialogue over the last few decades although non of it seems to have persuaded the terrorists to stop blowing folk up or murdering anyone who doesn't believe in their version of their god.


I suppose if someone was walking towards you with a machette you would engage him in conversation whist he hacked you to death.

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