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Huge truck bomb exploded in Iraq. Are Al Qaeda taking over?

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Well I was pointing out that you cannot negotiate with things or people that won't negotiate. There is no more point talking to Al Qaeda than there is talking to knot weed. Unless you are prepared to become a sharia abiding muslim or a knot weed yourself they won't listen.


It clearly went way over your head.


You know this how?

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So you equate fellow humans with plant life? Do you think there's a possibility that that type of bigoted mindset may be part of the problem?


Presumably you feel that you are such an expert on all things Islamic that you know for certain that compromise cannot be reached?


No, it didn't go over my head, it was such a ridiculously poorly thought out comment that it deserved the reply it received.


No, but I equate your intellect to that of plant life if you think you can negotiate with the likes of Al Qaeda. You have more chance of negotiating with smallpox or polio even though most folk would agree that elimination is the only option.


---------- Post added 04-01-2014 at 23:58 ----------


I'm not aware of al q wanting to negotiate with anyone. Taliban have negotiated, even Hezbollah but I'm not sure al qieda have or even want to. Do you know what they want?


It is the excuse makers like halibut who are the problem. No one in their right mind seeks to co-exist with the plague.


---------- Post added 05-01-2014 at 00:04 ----------


You know this how?


Common sense. You should give it a try.

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No, but I equate your intellect to that of plant life if you think you can negotiate with the likes of Al Qaeda. You have more chance of negotiating with smallpox or polio even though most folk would agree that elimination is the only option.


---------- Post added 04-01-2014 at 23:58 ----------



It is the excuse makers like halibut who are the problem. No one in their right mind seeks to co-exist with the plague.


---------- Post added 05-01-2014 at 00:04 ----------



Common sense. You should give it a try.


May I congratulate you on such a well thought out, reasonable & intelligent response? Without doubt you are a major loss to our Diplomatic service.


Has it ever occurred to you that we are the ones walking about in someone else's country, armed to the teeth & attempting - unsuccessfully - to impose our Governments wishes upon the inhabitants of that country?


Were it the other way around, & foreign troops had arrived uninvited upon our shores & began laying their law down, what would be your reaction?


Personally, I have little time for Muslim attitudes, it seems to me that in their treatment of women, & their apparent willingness to obey the wishes of a non provable deity they are virtually medieval in their thinking.


That said, it is still their land isn't it? And we are the ones who have arrived without invitation into their countries aren't we?


Admittedly, it is very inconvenient that our oil happens to be under their sand. Still perhaps we could have gone about retrieving it with a bit more subtly?


Maybe, instead of manufacturing reasons to start illegal wars we had used a little more diplomacy, craft & guile to achieve our ends? Perhaps quite a few innocent people who are dead & gone may still be with us?

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May I congratulate you on such a well thought out, reasonable & intelligent response? Without doubt you are a major loss to our Diplomatic service.


Has it ever occurred to you that we are the ones walking about in someone else's country, armed to the teeth & attempting - unsuccessfully - to impose our Governments wishes upon the inhabitants of that country?


Were it the other way around, & foreign troops had arrived uninvited upon our shores & began laying their law down, what would be your reaction?


Personally, I have little time for Muslim attitudes, it seems to me that in their treatment of women, & their apparent willingness to obey the wishes of a non provable deity they are virtually medieval in their thinking.


That said, it is still their land isn't it? And we are the ones who have arrived without invitation into their countries aren't we?


Admittedly, it is very inconvenient that our oil happens to be under their sand. Still perhaps we could have gone about retrieving it with a bit more subtly?


Maybe, instead of manufacturing reasons to start illegal wars we had used a little more diplomacy, craft & guile to achieve our ends? Perhaps quite a few innocent people who are dead & gone may still be with us?


You appear to think the only Muslims in these countries that matter are the Taliban, we all know they don't want us there and we all know why.


But do we actually occupy any.


No is the answer, we are in Afghanistan at great expense to support the elected government, Afghan army and police and attempt to bring about an end to the Taliban because they like to inflict suffering on anyone that doesn't share their view of Islam.


Do we have troops in any other Islamic country, I don't think we do, not in any great numbers anyway.


I do see your point that they would be better left to sort out their own problems because I personally don't think their problems are solvable. But maybe our government feels they have a duty to help were help is needed.

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May I congratulate you on such a well thought out, reasonable & intelligent response? Without doubt you are a major loss to our Diplomatic service.


Has it ever occurred to you that we are the ones walking about in someone else's country, armed to the teeth & attempting - unsuccessfully - to impose our Governments wishes upon the inhabitants of that country?


Were it the other way around, & foreign troops had arrived uninvited upon our shores & began laying their law down, what would be your reaction?


Personally, I have little time for Muslim attitudes, it seems to me that in their treatment of women, & their apparent willingness to obey the wishes of a non provable deity they are virtually medieval in their thinking.


That said, it is still their land isn't it? And we are the ones who have arrived without invitation into their countries aren't we?


Admittedly, it is very inconvenient that our oil happens to be under their sand. Still perhaps we could have gone about retrieving it with a bit more subtly?


Maybe, instead of manufacturing reasons to start illegal wars we had used a little more diplomacy, craft & guile to achieve our ends? Perhaps quite a few innocent people who are dead & gone may still be with us?


We are not walking about in their country. Islam is a religion not a nationality although that has clearly escaped you. So when a UK muslim beheads a British citizen because "We are in his country", he is talking as much rubbish as you are.

But this thread is about muslims in the middle east blowing up other muslims in the middle east because they are in their country. Clearly many muslims seem to have a real identity crisis and think that gives them the right to kill anyone who dares to share their planet.

Rather ironic that UK born muslims of Pakistani origins are flying off to Syria to murder Syrians because "We are in their country".

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The Islamic fundamentalist terrorists clearly have a hatred of the West. Now how do you think that happened?


Do you think they simply decided one day that it would be a cracking good idea to pick a fight with the most technologically advanced nations? Nations that all have standing well trained armies, air forces & navy's.


As for Islam being a religion & not a nationality it is of course both, but this has clearly escaped you.


The UK is, amongst other things, a Christian nation, the Church is established. Saudi Arabia is an Islamic nation.

Should you carry out a search for Islamic countries on the internet you will be provided with numerous results. Pleased to clear that up for you.


My point is that we have brought much of this situation upon ourselves by calculated exploitation of their oil & mineral assets.


They are killing each other in Iraq because we destabilised the country & failed to replace law enforcement personnel with capable forces.

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I nominate this for the most idiotic post of 2014 award. Where exactly is Islamia?




---------- Post added 05-01-2014 at 11:44 ----------


The Islamic fundamentalist terrorists clearly have a hatred of the West. Now how do you think that happened?



So why are they bombing Russia, Bali, Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya and Syria?

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I nominate this for the most idiotic post of 2014 award. Where exactly is Islamia?


I nominate you for the most obtuse clown on the forum. You apparently couldn't even manage to fully finish reading my post.


Search for Islamic countries on the internet, there are 76 Million results. Which is rather a lot for an entity that you claim doesn't exist.


I'll type this next bit slowly for the hard of understanding


England is referred to as a Christian country, Yes? That description is perfectly acceptable as the main religion is Christianity & the Church is Established OK?


Not going too fast for you?


Therefore, it is also perfectly correct to refer to a country where the main religion is Islam & the laws & culture of that country are based upon Islamic teachings as an Islamic country.


The example I gave was Saudi Arabia, where they conduct their lives & enforce the law in line with the teachings of Islam.


Now, how hard is that to understand?

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