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What's the point in sleeping?

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Sleep, that knits up the ravelled sleeve of care,

The death of each day's life, sore labour's bath,

Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course,

Chief nourisher in life's feast ...


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Apart from the mental and emotional benefits, your body needs to sleep in order to grow(if you are young) and/ or repair damage.


---------- Post added 03-01-2014 at 22:39 ----------


Sleep, that knits up the ravelled sleeve of care,

The death of each day's life, sore labour's bath,

Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course,

Chief nourisher in life's feast ...



Good poetry.


Deep in the bosom of the gentle night

Is when I search for the light

Pick up my pen and start to write

I struggle, fight dark forces

In the clear moon light

Without fear... insomnia

I can't get no sleep


I used to worry, thought I was goin' mad in a hurry

Gettin' stress, makin' excess mess in darkness

No electricity, something's all over me, greasy

Insomnia please release me and let me dream of

Makin' mad love to my girl on the heath

Tearin' off tights with my teeth

But there's no release, no peace

I toss and turn without cease

Like a curse, open my eyes and rise like yeast

At least a couple of weeks

Since I last slept, kept takin' sleepers

But now I keep myself pepped

Deeper still, that night I write by candle light

I find insight, fundamental movement, uh

So when it's back this insomniac take an original tack

Keep the beast in my nature under ceaseless attack

I gets no sleep

I can't get no sleep


I can't get no sleep

I can't get no sleep

I need to sleep, although I get no sleep

I need to sleep, although I get no sleep


Not so good poetry. It's by 'Faithless' btw:


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A study was done showing that during REM sleep, it is one of the very rare times when the brain is shut down, to the extent that memories formed during the day can be sorted out. Important stuff learned is cast into long-term storage, and all the junk is thrown out.

The study also showed that those who didn't sleep properly didn't get this important time for sorting out the brain, forgetting lots of important things that should have been remembered.

I would provide a link, but I've forgetten where I read this due to not sleeping enough


Defragging :D

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Ive been wasting hours every 24 hours, just sleeping, doing literally nothing. I could put that time to good use (running, going out dancing, even working, etc), if only there was some way to negate my physiological requirement to sleep.


Isn't there a tablet, or something, I can take instead, that will give my body what it needs and gets from sleeping?


Orexin. although I doubt it is legal in the UK.

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