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Nice Bars????


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Always though Crystal was good (well, the restaurant) but we went in there on a saturday afternoon a couple of weeks ago and found it almost impossible to get served.


There was literrally 3/4 people in the main bar, some waitress wandering around aimlessly and some barman that was trying to make himself look busy whilst pretending we didn't exist!


He eventually skulked over and said "can i help you PAL?"


What a muppet! Doesn't the whole world now know to NEVER call me PAL?




I even had a guy come to my workplace today asking if any jobs going and his opening line was "alreet PAL, just come to ask if there's any jobs like" - are these people utterly brain dead or what?


Sorry rant over and yes Boho is fab - excellent quality/service. Our next dining experience will be a return visit there.

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Avoid Crystal - the service is consistently atrocious. You can be the only the person in there and be ignored at the bar for 10 to 15 minutes before they eventually decide to acknowledge your presence and begrudgingly serve you


I'm sorry but what on earth are you talking about ? Are you honestly suggesting that you have ever been the only person, OR EVEN HALF CLOSE TO, being the only person in the bar and not being served for 10-15 minutes?

Exasagration to the extreme. I go Crystal all the time, and find that the bar staff race through people as fast as they can. Abit of an overestimation, 10-15 mins... as if. More like one time, when you were WASTED, you had to wait more than a minute to get your half a larger and black.


As for the other muppet, saying he had a problem because somebody called him pal... How small is your brain. Crystal is excellent. Yeah I go there all the time, decent service. Go to boho... ha, mate of mine had a trial shift there the other day and walked out half way through it because he said it was so poor. lol awesome.


and this one time, in boho, i was the only person there and I HAD TO WAIT LIKE AN HOUR TO GET SERVED. OH MY GOD. AND THEN ? AND THEN, YOU KNOW WHAT, HE CALLED ME PAL!


OMG. end of the world.

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There was literrally 3/4 people in the main bar, some waitress wandering around aimlessly and some barman that was trying to make himself look busy whilst pretending we didn't exist!


I go there every saturday with mates, cos we work sat and our work is right next to crystal. and i'm sorry but when does it EVER get even half busy enough on a sat not to get served by 3/4 bar staff. fact. Sorry but I love this bar, but i hate people slagging it off with rubbish.

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Hello, just found this post whilst browsing the information superhighway.


Just thought I'd say, I'm ex-Crystal. I used to work nearly every Friday and Saturday daytime and I can tell you for a fact they have NEVER EVER EVER rota'd on 3 staff for a Saturday. So the mention that there were 3/4 staff stood around not serving (PLUS A WAITRESS) is a load of rubbish. And anyway, a waitress is not somebody who should be serving people behind the bar, but somebody who serves people food, clears plates away, takes payment etc.


Also, SORRY BUT, what are you on about taking ages to be served ? That's a load of rubbish! No matter what time of the day, the bar staff don't keep customers waiting for anything! FACT! How can it be impossible to be served on a Saturday night. They have a bottle service station, waitresses and about 10 bar staff on. Including managers, (aka ex-skilled barstaff!) who are always there to jump on the bar and help out when it gets busy. Not the type that just stand on the front door.


The resturant, what can I say, absolutely delicious food. Service in there is top notch, and the food is awesome. Anyone who has dined in the resterant has said the same. I used to love working there, because people used to say such nice stuff. As for the resturant manager, James, he is super helpful. If you ask anything, POOF!! and he's sorted it! He'll bend over backwards to accomodate you!!!!!!! FACT!!


As for the bar staff! I've never worked with such a good team. All of them passionate about cocktails, drinking and service. I wish I was kidding. the staff are total DRINK GEEKS. Boho... nice bar. nothing against it. been there a few times, but it's a resterant not a bar. Crystal does what it always did best, serve quality drinks.


I don't even live in Sheffield anymore btw or care much about crystal, but just thought i'd offer some first hand experience/knowledge since I can.


As for the new manager, he's awesome. Really nice guy. He'll fall down stairs to help you out... Nice guy.

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As for the other muppet, saying he had a problem because somebody called him pal... How small is your brain. Crystal is excellent. Yeah I go there all the time, decent service. Go to boho... ha, mate of mine had a trial shift there the other day and walked out half way through it because he said it was so poor. lol awesome.



I could turn this into a nasty name calling debate but i'll be the bigger man and rise above it.


So don't go calling me a 'muppet' or 'pal' or even 'mate', mate! I can guarantee you wouldn't say it to my face so don't go acting all big behind your computer screen.


Quite sad really when a fellow citizen has to resort to name calling just because someone gives an opinion.

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Why is it that when someone dares to express an opinion or recount an experience they've had, others can't wait to tell them that they're stupid or lying? I've been to Crystal once, and although I didn't have to wait 10-15 minutes, I wasn't impressed with how long we did have to wait to be served. There was no apology for the wait when the guy behind the bar did bother to acknowledge us. And no 'thank you' when I paid.


I agree that the ambience is good, the furnishings of high quality, and the clientele generally from the smarter/richer end of society so in theory there shouldn't be any trouble. Does that excuse the poor customer service I had? No, of course it doesn't.


You may judge 'customer experience' in a different way to me (and others), but it doesn't mean that my interpretation of it isn't a valid one.

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I'm sorry but what on earth are you talking about ? Are you honestly suggesting that you have ever been the only person, OR EVEN HALF CLOSE TO, being the only person in the bar and not being served for 10-15 minutes?
No idea why you would presume to suggest I would make something like that up. My three Crystal experiences were all early evening weekday. No idea how many staff they have on a Saturday. I don't drink halves of lager and black. You appear to just want to pick fights rather than add anything constructive to this thread. Grow up a bit. To clarify my Crystal experiences (for those who seem to have a problem with it) I have nipped in there for a quick couple of after-work drinks on weeknights and yes, it has taken over 10 minutes to be served (I checked my watch on the 2nd and 3rd visits) and yes I have been the only person stood at the bar and yes, on each occasion there were visible staff milling around doing other things rather than taking my money off me. It left me flabbergasted when the only "barman" didn't acknowledge my presence (despite having made eye contact), carried on with making a tray of drinks for the restaurant, disappeared completely, came back, disappeared somewhere else, made another tray of drinks for upstairs and THEN managed to try and serve the other gent who'd since arrived at the bar before me. Not even an apology.

If the management's changed and they've got some clue that you need to take money from customers in order to have a business then I may give it another go if a friend suggests meeting there, but I certainly won't propose it as a meeting location!

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