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Those £9.50 holidays are back

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Whatever! Nothing you say or don't say bothers me in the slightest. Whinge on to your heart's content! :)


I really hope when my children start school they don't get somebody like you as their teacher. Your petty squabbling makes you not much better than the kids :rolleyes:

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:rolleyes: Whatever you say.


(Protesting too much, methinks...)


I absolutely loved school and achieved very good marks and went on to achieve good marks through A levels, degree and masters degree but I have to say teachers with attitudes like yours spoil the whole thing for so many students!! You sound like a jumped up know it all and I imagine being in your classroom is unbearable for some children. Nobody knows a child better than their parent, and I seriously don't think a week away from school is going to have long term effects on their results. Also, it's easy for you with your 12 weeks holiday a year to fit your holidays around term time, not so easy for parents with jobs with significantly less holidays!!

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For primary children, I'd agree with you, but for students on GCSE or A level courses they just miss too much curriculum content and exam practice, don't you think? Plus, most teenagers (and their parents) do not see term-time holidays as a cultural, mind-broadening opportunity so much as a cheap chance to eat a lot of (English) food, get drunk and lie on a beach somewhere. Most of them come back not even able to tell you where exactly they have been, or what language was spoken there (let alone say 'please' or 'thank you' in that language!).


---------- Post added 05-01-2014 at 18:05 ----------




Indeed, I was thinking in terms of Primary.


I definitely don't think years 10 and 11 should ever be taken out of school for holidays, and years 7, 8 and 9 only if absolutely necessary.


However I do sympathise with parents. It's no joke having to pay twice the price for holidays. Nevertheless your kids education should come first.

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Indeed, I was thinking in terms of Primary.


I definitely don't think years 10 and 11 should ever be taken out of school for holidays, and years 7, 8 and 9 only if absolutely necessary.


However I do sympathise with parents. It's no joke having to pay twice the price for holidays. Nevertheless your kids education should come first.


An happy child will learn far more than a miserable child, just think how miserable a child will be when all their mates are talking about their holidays, and they didn't go on one. Going on cheap holidays out of season is a good compromise and will make a child happy.

The answer to this problem is flexible school holidays in which children can take at least two weeks off any time. Cutting teacher holidays to 5 weeks would make this possible, but I would guess that if this was suggested suddenly the kids education would be secondary to the teachers holidays. Many teachers also don't appear overly concerned about a child's education when they are striking.

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