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Buy-to-let property supremo sends out eviction notices to 200 tennants

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Wouldn't you like landlords like this?


'Wilson further inflamed public opinion after telling Channel 4 News "I feel sorry for battered wives who have come to us because we are very much consigning them to go back to their husbands to be beaten up again – but the situation is it cannot go on."


"In a long and provocative statement sent to the Guardian, Wilson remains unrepentant. He repeatedly tells benefit claimants to "get a job".

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Whereas housing benefit tenants (tax payers) were once cash cows for these landlords milking the system.

Due to housing benefit caps, like many landlords they have realised their game is up.


I would agree with this. I have seen it over the years. when I first moved to Sheffield in the 70s, because I chose to work it was very difficult to rent a place. I got fed up seeing DHSS only,because the landlords got the money directly paid to them and then the rents started going up because the government paid the inflated rents they asked for because the cap was set to high. It was easy for the government to throw money at them because it was only tax payers money.

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  • 2 weeks later...
They're running a business not a charity, why would they be giving a monkeys about anyone? They are motivated by running a business for profit, as they should be.


Yes, and like many landlords they found themselves almost bankrupt when the recession came. They over-stretched themselves as a result of pure greed.

Like many, they thought the good times would last forever, accumulating a massive portfolio with many guaranteed rents many from those on benefits. Everything went well when it suited their game plan until their greed got the better of them.


I note there was flooding in Ashford where this couple have many properties, I wonder how much they will increase the tenants rent by, in order to pay for the new insurance premiums, if they can get any insurance? After all, no doubt, they wouldn't want it to come out of their profits!

Edited by poppet2
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Why are most people on here jealous of landlords, you too can work hard and take financial risks if you have it in you... if you dont like that idea, stay as you are and stop moaning about succesful people like these...

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Why are most people on here jealous of landlords, you too can work hard and take financial risks if you have it in you... if you dont like that idea, stay as you are and stop moaning about succesful people like these...


What a lame post!


Anybody with that amount of money that over charges tennants for the cost of a replacement toilet; refused to pay a self employed handy man for a job done; and dresses like Rupert The Bear, might be called a lot of things, but successful isn't one of them.

And how do you know they worked hard? And why can't people on here discuss the wider implications of properties concentrated in too few hands, without having someone chant the lame playground taunt 'just because you're jealous'?


Anyway as was said earlier, many of their properties are in parts of the country that are now flooded, so I doubt whether anyone envies them

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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...
Love the strapline under their photograph-"We've found that East Europeans are good tenants".


Well they've changed their minds about East Europeans, boyfriday. In a bizarre twist, the Wilsons have begun evicting many of their eastern European tenants – because they are having too many children. “I have taken the decision to evict all families with more than two children and also three-generation households,” said Fergus Wilson




I was having a good laugh at some of the comments that people had written below the article, when I came across this nugget:



What saved the Wilsons was, curiously enough, the collapse of Lehmans. In 2008, with banks pulling the plug on buy-to-let lending, the Wilsons were struggling to refinance their borrowings. But after Lehmans collapsed in September 2008, the Bank of England slashed its base rate to 0.5% and the Wilsons found on nearly all their loans they could revert to base rate plus a fixed percentage – typically 1.5% – at the end of the fixed period.


"We were going to be, to put it bluntly, stuffed. The reason we were saved was the drop in interest rates," Fergus says. He is now paying an average of just 2% interest. "I earn a yield from rents of around 5% and pay 2% in interest. The average mortgage cost is about £300 per month with £800 income. This gives about £300 per unit per month after paying agent and repairs etc. The renting game has never been better.


He has also renegotiated payment terms so that, instead of paying at the start of the month, he now pays at the end of the month to help with cashflow.



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The Wilson’s are a symptom of the poor stewardship and corruption of our economy, these parasites shouldn’t have had all that property in the first place, they have taken advantage of a broken nation with its perverse and antisocial incentives designed to enable the banks to screw us all.


The housing market has for decades been manipulated mainly for the benefit of the banks to the point that now even our GDP is dressed up in such a way that debt is classed as growth, our politicians have and continue to blatantly lie to us in order to enable worthless non productive, privileged parasites and ponces to grasp at the diminishing wealth created from people who really do contribute.


We should live in the hope that true market forces come into play and crush these rats to the same magnitude as these buy to let cowboys have crushed the lives of captive tenants who have been forced to pay through the nose for the sub-standard hovels that have been held to ransom.

Just remind us of how many millions are owed in rent in Sheffield by council tenants who were gifted subsidized housing in the first place.if you once relax your discipline you might just go under.

Fortunately for council tenants who don't pay up,the rest of us will pick up the tab.............seems the Wilsons are just taking care of business,like the council should have done.

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