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Australians protest about shark cull

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The cull has begun.


What strikes me as perverse is that the sharks are actually being lured into the area by drum lines holding huge hooks covered in bait.


The carcass is then being dumped out at sea, again acting as bait and a lure.


They've even been given special exemptions from existing laws to kill protected species.

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how the hell are they going to know if the croc that killed the killed the kid, is the croc they want to kill. By interviewing other crocodiles?




Just imagine:


Policeman: Now Mr Croc, where were you between the hours of 3pm and 4pm on Tuesday the 17th?



Seriously though, what the authorities usually do in this case is kill every crocodile until they find one that has the remains of a 12-year old kid in its stomach.

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'acting premier', I have no idea to whom you refer, as premiers are state and we have a few states! The Prime Minister (Commonwealth) presents 'Australian' decissions.

I agree however that the rednecks that find fun in shootin' and huntin' anything that isn't one of their rellies, and can't shoot back(well...maybe ..Aunty Grok is looking worried) leap at any chance of machismo crap, and as you say, lot more bi-pedal air breathing destroyers than sharks and if you go into shark territory one-out, as they've been advised for centuries it seems, NOT to, then you are virtually declaring yourself to be 'lunch'. Don't blame the shark.


---------- Post added 05-01-2014 at 20:03 ----------


The site again just told me I was not logged in...how fast to I have to type???? Arthritis in both hands doesn't assist light speed...Strewth!! and I am a Sheffelder.


---------- Post added 05-01-2014 at 20:09 ----------



Typing fastas I can go....I knew Ron. We met him in Cairns and he was in a 'tinny' out near the inner reef, just getting into shark love. A great bloke. Met Val too, but she wouldn't remember. BTW the sharks that we eat are 'gummy sharks', bottom feeders of mainly veggies etc ..no humans ever.


---------- Post added 05-01-2014 at 20:16 ----------



Best idea I've heard since I was a Viking. 'Ashes to ashes,dust to dust', why?? We've got plenty of both from the morons who start fires for fun.

My Dad just died (in the UK)on the 27th December of prostate cancer, and the choices I have are cremation or burial, both of which he would hate. Give me a ship and a strong breeze and I'll take him out near Dogger for a return to nature. Hurray for you matey!

I have a plan for my own funeral. Stick me in me old canoe, pour petrol on me, light me up,and send me down the Conn River to Long Island Sound. I'd prefer the cruiser but the wife need the money.
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