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I'm proud of you son

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is what a male escorts dad said to him when he won male sex worker of the year award.




hes trying to change the idea of male escorts from the old view and uses business models and ideas in his work



The BBC finally catch up with old news:



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How could he become SO lost ?!?!?


http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/19/bartender-confessions-10-things-they-hate_n_2719789.html ---- The true and the ones that really do not take any BS. Rich or not, do not put people down. Do not be arrogant.


http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/01/bartender-makes-96k-video_n_2599227.html --- The ones who knows and doesn't want to go back there but is smart not to sell her soul though !


http://www.telegraph.co.uk/foodanddrink/9584882/The-gastronauts-Londons-new-breed-of-restaurant-goer.html ---- The young and the earning, but they want to be able to "eat well " ????.. But they are unrealistic about the world too. OMG ! They spend an average mortgage payment on food alone ? Are they naive ???

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Originally Posted by aliceBB


I bet he'd be even prouder of him if he had a proper job.


It is a proper job


it may be the oldest profession in the world, but a proper job??

come off it....





Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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is what a male escorts dad said to him when he won male sex worker of the year award.




hes trying to change the idea of male escorts from the old view and uses business models and ideas in his work


sex worker, change the idea?


he is a male prostitute. now I have no problem with people such as him plying their trade but to call them an escort is just changing words.

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sex worker, change the idea?


he is a male prostitute. now I have no problem with people such as him plying their trade but to call them an escort is just changing words.

sex worker, male escort, rent boy, in some cases its interchangable, some escorts have sex with clients, some dont

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