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Depression, can't cope

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Thankyou all. I've made an appointment with my GP on Monday, I've been on the phone all day and had to make a claim for benefits. I'll keep smiling for my children because I'm all they have got. I haven't got family and not really any close friends as I've only lived in this area for 2yrs. I miss having someone to talk to but you've all gone out of your way to offer support and kindness and it does help. I do feel a bit lonely and isolated but I suppose I'll get used to it?? X


You can phone the Samaritans any time of the day or night, just to talk.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've suffered with depression since I was a child due to horrid things happening to me. Now I'm older with kids and it keeps returning, it feels like a punishment. Living a life like this is like torture I need to escape from. I have a loving husband but no matter how many people you have you feel alone. I'm considering just leaving as I make everyone unhappy. Does anyone else suffer like this? I'm on tablets but honestly I cannot keep living life like this



Hi there like people said on here seek help from gp, ask to refer for councelling or some sort of therapy I too suffer from depression due to personal curcumstances but to be honest I think I ve suffered this since teenager I have been seeking counciling but I'm also having thereapy called BCT which is fantastic it helps a lot.

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This time of year is a pinnacle for SADS sufferers which is a deficiency of vitamin D, systhesised by sunlight. Make sure you can get out and about for a 20 minute walk between noon and 2pm. You can buy supplements like Ginseng and St Johns Wort which help lift your mood. In order to absorb the Vitamin D you also need vitamins B and C so have a look for a good multivitamin if you think you need to.


Exercise helps but is costly, I have posted on the free football sessions that SIV are charging £10 per hour for specialist sessions at Concorde. you may as well get a life card and go swimming in the evenings to help you sleep.

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