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Wearing Stone Island

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haha, no way. I wouldn't wear SI if they were given to me.


A predominant label only says "you" think it means something.


Good quality clothing doesn't need to advertise its brand so explicitly.


course you wouldn,t :rolleyes:

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How can you just judge everyone that likes a particular brand of clothing? I don't wear SI I think it's too expensive for what it is, you can buy much better branded clothing for much less money but to just accuse everyone who wears SI as a coked up football fan is small minded.

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why the big deal, if you cant afford it, thats ok,,,


I can afford them but I don't like dressing like a plonker.


They are great though, It means people like the rest of us have a visual trigger to avoid chavs from a distance :thumbsup:

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class song on the subject


People like yourself make it more about money.

When I was at school, I was still made to wear a uniform. Why? Because a uniform is also about representing you as a person, being a part of a group, a team, and that you are being educated, a child.


Now I see a kid, and he does not even know how to dress himself. He cannot even dress his age! I do not even see this as a simple problem for kids, or teenagers, but this goes to adults too. Why do you think that tv programs about clothing is so popular? Why is Gok Wan's tv show more popular with adults too? Can you tell me does the adults actually know how to dress themselves and what is age appropiate for themselves too ?


The answer to that question is a simple "no".


It took me a long time, and a lot of pain from coworkers, and also bosses alike to manage my look, and I am happy with that now. When I go out and see that people actually do not know when to dress for what occasion and why, and then start to criticise others on their attempts, it makes me pretty mad.


I hope that children in Sheffield, or just early teens do not follow that mediocrity and go with that celeb look, but dress something which is more appropiate to their age, and give themselves a decent acceptable look. Just simple pieces is acceptable, and something which give them the confidence to be and look hopeful too. Also, I hope their parents can dress appropiately too and not influence the way that they themselves need to dress down and continue this kind of casual look. There is a time and place for different kind of clothing.


Whether SI is actually a higher quality material is irrelevant. It is indeed how you wear something and if that something is appropiate and if it fits well. This is just simple Self Respect.

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