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Wood lane.. Side of car people on parkway


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I worked opposite this when they opened the road up. It used to be just a little lane that didn't go right to the bottom. Then they spent weeks, and loads of hassle opening it up and turning it into a proper road. They then immediately made it buses only, though I've never seen one use it and several months later blocked it off. Its been like it ever since.


Its crazy, the roadworks were there ages when they did it and all for nothing, its the most pointless road ever.

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I have drove up there once, I saw the bollards down and went through, about 4 years ago.


I walk dog down there and never see anything coming through now.


I would hazard a guess at the bridge not being able or designed to take heavy use.

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From what I remember the road was developed as a condition of granting planning permission for the freight terminal. It was planned to be part of a new bus route between Rotherham and Sheffield via Waverley that has been on hold due to lack of funds. I would love the road to be opened to traffic as it would take 10 mins off my commute. Alas I think the fear is that it would be used as a rat run when traffic on the parkway is snarled up on the approach to the M1 roundabout.

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It's all explained in the link posted by 0ane above. Here's the most relevant bit:


In anticipation of the Waverley development and the Council’s policy to promote sustainable modes of transport, planning conditions were imposed on the

developers requiring them to reconstruct Wood Lane as a bus only link road

incorporating a pedestrian and cycle path. This included the installation of a rising

bollard to prevent access to other motor vehicles.




If Wood Lane was opened to all traffic it could be used as a “rat run” to avoid

queuing traffic at junction 33 of the M1. Potentially it offers alternative links to

central Rotherham, the M1 junction 34 at Meadowhall, M1 junction 35 and

possibly Doncaster and the A1 via the A630. It would be undesirable to allow the

extra traffic this would generate on to the primarily residential roads of



The objectors express an aspiration to see Wood Lane opened to all traffic

because it would be a convenient link from Brinsworth to the Sheffield Parkway

for residents. It would also reduce to a certain degree traffic in Catcliffe.


In other words, the views of the OP have already been considered and rejected. So a different argument would be needed.

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"Rat run" - meaning an alternative route that reduces load on a busy junction and saves everybody time.


It's too early in the morning for you to be this cynical, go have a strong coffee then rejoin the debate…







There you go, feeling better now? Good lad :)


The problem with these "rat runs" is they're often on residential streets and the people who live on these streets aren't happy that cars are constantly driving up and down the road at fast speeds, just so the drivers can save 2 minutes on their journey times.

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