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2014 The Year Of Hard Truths

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Well I believe the average MP's salary is around £66,000/pa not counting expenses and there are 650 elected MP's last I heard.


So that's £42,900,000 or nearly £43 million per year


Perhaps some fat could be trimmed off that budget, after all we're all in it together


You could probably cut quite a bit of fat from somewhere http://www.taxpayersalliance.com/waste/2008/02/cost-of-parliam.html

Apparently parliament comes close to 500 million a year (including 100 million towards "our" Lords)

We are all in it together though.:gag:



Just seen what the speaker gets "The salary of the Speaker is £142,162 (this figure comprises of MP's salary of £66,396 and additional salary for the Speaker of £75,766) from April 2013."

Why would he need to be paid an extra 75k on top of his 66k?

Surely being the speaker should be a privilege in itself?

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I think it is a bold move, he is setting the agenda: vote Tory at the next election and you are due more cuts. There are people that like that agenda so effectively he is sharpening the contrast in society.


The LibDems have clearly pointed their agenda to a pro-EU policy, which I am obviously in favour of as well, I'd just like to know what we get with Labour, because frankly, I haven't got a clue. They might promise 'no cuts' but they will struggle to up spending with the way things are.


All I hear Milliband say is: You are doing it wrong! and unfortunately I think that might still get them a large share of votes.

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Osborne built on previous warnings about the need to intensify austerity, on top of billions of pounds of existing cuts


THere was a time when billions was a lot of money. When I was a lad it was "millionaire Bruce Wayne". Now he's a billionaire.


Firstly, when the problem is measured in trillions, billions is a very tiny part of that problem.


Secondly, despite the so-called "austerity" (LOL!) the government is spending (and borrowing) more than ever.


In 2009-10 total UK government spending was £669.3bn. The latest forecast of spending for 2015-16 is £744.7bn.


Over a six year period that is a rise of £75.4bn or 12.65% in the amount of cash spent by the state.





If we stopped handing over billions a year to ungrateful foreign lost causes and scroungers we would be a lot better off.


Billions? Chump change.


True level of UK government debt exceeds £5 trillion


Or £5000000000000000.


To put that into context, if you spent £1 million a day you would have spent a trillion in a mere 2737.85 years.


So if you'd started before the birth of Christ, you still wouldn't be finished.


Our debt is measured in numbers so large that most people can't grasp them.



I can't see anyone doing well if they tell people more cuts and more tax rises are in store.


The general public are like children. They will always try and get out of having to take unpleasant medicine, however necessary it may be.


"Why do I have to. It's not fair!"


Have you considered stamping your foot as well?



Close all tax avoidance loopholes, drop corporation tax to 12%.


Now how long did that take?


That would account for about £35 billion [LINK]. Our problem is measured in trillions.


Do try again old chap.


I believe the average MP's salary is around £66,000/pa not counting expenses and there are 650 elected MP's last I heard.


So that's £42,900,000 or nearly £43 million per year


A tiny, tiny part of the overall problem.


It's like trying to bail out a sinking lifeboat with an eyedropper. Full marks for effort but you're still gonna drown.

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Why then did the LDP block the Conservative proposal to reduce the number of MPs (by increasing each constituency's size)?


It was a revenge move, Cameron backed out on his promise to reform the House of Lords (which was in the coalition agreement) so the Lib Dems hit him where it hurts. Namely blocking his boundary changes and pretty much scuppering any chance he had at winning a majority in the next election.

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Why do the Cons hate the poor so much, we have racism, ageism, why not Poorism and put Cameron and Osborne on a charge for this, it's took weasley Clegg some time before the penny has dropped, or his is he turning into a rat and jumping ship. Get this lot out!.:rant:

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