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Is Evander Holyfield homophobic?

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Yes its normal to be different and abnormal to be identical, they have yet to find two identical humans.


But when you start specifying the difference you are then getting into the realm of whats normal and what is not aren't you ?


Your trying to compare apples and oranges.

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All humans are different, there are no two that are the same, not even twins are the same, so it must be normal for everyone to be different, and if everyone is different all those differences must be normal.


It just shows how words can be played with.

If something is practised by the vast majority it can be described as 'the norm' and so, 'normal'. The opposite of this word is 'abnormal'.

Unfortunately these perfectly descriptive words have had negative connotations thrust upon them and so political correctness has decreed that they must never be used to describe sexuality and so the vast majority of people don't use the words in this way.

So since the dawn of political correctness the technically correct use of the words 'normal' and 'abnormal' when speaking of sexuality has in itself become abnormal and it has become normal to bash anyone that does use the words correctly.

Tin hat firmly in place.

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I've thought about changing rooms in gyms in this regard before.. it may get complicated though :hihi:


It is a valid question :)


As times change and it's now acceptable for gays or whatever term people call it, then it should be addressed.

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Everyone is entitled to express their opinion. It's called freedom of speech.


No one should be censored for expressing an opinion that others diisagree with or find objectionable.


If Holyfield doesn't like gays then that's his right to say so just as gays have the right to call gay phobes biased/objectionable/ anti progressive... whatever


Yes, you are entitled to express your opinion, but other people are entitled to criticise it using their own right to free speech.


Libertarians are increasingly pushing this strange notion that they can say whatever they like and not be criticised for it, but I'm afraid free speech is a two-way street.

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What a strange world we live in these days (hope that's not offended anyone) !

Seriously, he slipped up a bit verbally considering how PC some of us choose to be these days, and the programme makers chose to caution the man for unacceptable language or behaviour or whatever, just to emphasise his minor error.

The programme makers of BB should be dressed down for making such an offensive pile of crap TV programme IMHO !

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It just shows how words can be played with.

If something is practised by the vast majority it can be described as 'the norm' and so, 'normal'. The opposite of this word is 'abnormal'.

Unfortunately these perfectly descriptive words have had negative connotations thrust upon them and so political correctness has decreed that they must never be used to describe sexuality and so the vast majority of people don't use the words in this way.

So since the dawn of political correctness the technically correct use of the words 'normal' and 'abnormal' when speaking of sexuality has in itself become abnormal and it has become normal to bash anyone that does use the words correctly.

Tin hat firmly in place.


I don't disagree and would never consider bashing you for using the word correctly. :)

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What a strange world we live in these days (hope that's not offended anyone) !

Seriously, he slipped up a bit verbally considering how PC some of us choose to be these days, and the programme makers chose to caution the man for unacceptable language or behaviour or whatever, just to emphasise his minor error.

The programme makers of BB should be dressed down for making such an offensive pile of crap TV programme IMHO !


Sensational reporting to increase viewing figures.

No more no less.

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