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Children-locked-in syndrome? How we raise our current generation.

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I'm sorry, but seriously can we prove that assertion you've made first before we go onto the rest of the points? I'm especially interested because you are about to claim that people who associate with children are obviously one step away from kiddie fiddling and as a Scout Leader I'm going to take not unreasonable objection that that sort of a slur.

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Isn't paedophiles really about the person wanting something for themselves, without social boundaries at play and do not even care about themselves, or the other person who they target ? You do not think that this kind of "familiarity" breed this kind of mentality if at all ?


When I see the level of sexual innuendos that occur and individuals cannot even actually check the age of the other person, with respect, I can see that something has gone wrong here, don't you ?


There's a useful piece here which suggests that it's not a simple thing to unravel. Scientists have yet to reach a common consensus about the causes of paedophilia. http://www.theguardian.com/society/2013/jan/03/paedophilia-bringing-dark-desires-light

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I'm sorry, but seriously can we prove that assertion you've made first before we go onto the rest of the points? I'm especially interested because you are about to claim that people who associate with children are obviously one step away from kiddie fiddling and as a Scout Leader I'm going to take not unreasonable objection that that sort of a slur.


Sorry, excuse me, what exactly are you inferring to? I am saying that, the way I see perverted adults who do not treat children as if they are children, but actually "thinks" that they are children themselves, or that the child is an adult, and overstep that boundary indeed has some issues mentally.


Grown up decent adults know when to back off, and know when a child is alarmed, and not to overstep that sexual line with a young child. THAT is what I am talking about. What are you talking about here ?


I have absolutely no idea what you think you read into my post there, but I was quite clear about that area of overstepping that social boundary lines, and that age line also with regards to sexuality.

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OCD much ? Plus I do not like people who challenges me, and twist what I write. Thank you so much.


I just prefer that people making questionable assertions back them up. I'm not twisting what you write at all, just asking you to prove things please, without twisting what I say thanks.


Now can you please point out something that backs up your assertion?

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I just prefer that people making questionable assertions back them up. I'm not twisting what you write at all, just asking you to prove things please, without twisting what I say thanks.


Now can you please point out something that backs up your assertion?


Sorry, I am not going to argue with you. I do not know what assertion you seem to think that I made. But it is obvious to me that you cannot actually put your shoe into that of a woman's and if she wishes to protect her children and why she fears men who actually see children as sex objects and so forth.


If you cannot see this, then I obviously have nothing more to say to your good self, thank you. If you want to fight, then find something to fight. I am not going to participate, thanks.

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Sorry, I am not going to argue with you. I do not know what assertion you seem to think that I made. But it is obvious to me that you cannot actually put your shoe into that of a woman's and if she wishes to protect her children and why she fears men who actually see children as sex objects and so forth.


If you cannot see this, then I obviously have nothing more to say to your good self, thank you. If you want to fight, then find something to fight. I am not going to participate, thanks.


Let's try again....


You said

Why do you think that paedophiles happens ? It is because these adults never grew up too to take responsibilities for themselves, but behave like children, instead of protecting them.


I've highlighted the relevant part that I think is completely wrong. Can you please back up or explain that statement you just made since the rest of your argument depends on it.


This is not a trick question, it's not someone having a go at you (although you seem clearly to want to havea go at me for whatever reason) it is a simple, non confrontational request.


---------- Post added 08-01-2014 at 02:09 ----------


Just watched a documentary of the murder of Jason swift in 1985. I'm surprised my mum let me out the house. Things are safer now though aren't they?


As far as the crime figures go yes. There has been a modest fall since the 1950's in general if I remember right.


Sadly there's been a rise in the number of infantilised children - someone said above about a class scared of matches... I've had Scouts scared of a knife, which begs the question of how they will ever prepare their own food when they leave home...

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Click (safe link, no worries)


I am always amazed how I never see kids on their own anymore. I was always outside in the eighties. As a six year old I used to walk to my friends' house after school with him and then walk home on my own for dinner, altogether about a kilometer and a half.


You would probably be interested in the Free Range Kids website:



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I've had Scouts scared of a knife, which begs the question of how they will ever prepare their own food when they leave home...


Perhaps learning to eat with one (and a fork) would be a good start! I despair at the way some kids (or even whole families) eat when out in public. Fork held like a dagger, knife held like a pen or (more commonly no cutlery at all. I know it takes time and effort on the parents' part to teach the most efficient use of these tools, but it's not that difficult. Not being able to use the appropriate implements when eating limits you to finger food. Definitely infantilised!


It's definitely a generational thing...you rarely see anyone over 45 who can't eat with a knife and fork.

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