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Social Housing On New Developments

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Yes, I think private housing should be mixed with social housing, otherwise ghettos start to form, and that's when trouble starts.


Most people are decent given half a chance.


There's a ghetto near me and the poor sods that bought couldn't sell, it started with about 20% social housing and gradually the owners have moved out and moved tenants in because they couldn't sell. It only took about 6 years to turn a new estate into a dump.

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Friends of mine in Wigan purchased new home for £200,000 +. It was backed onto by social housing.


My friends stayed there about a year, found it hell on earth due to moronic occupiers of social housing properties.


They sold it and took a £40,000 loss just to get away.


The social housing experiment has failed, in the same way that comprehensive education has failed.


Woolly liberal social engineering ensures that standards fall.

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Most are OK but who can tell who'll you get?


This may be news to some but a lot of people prefer to live in or aspire to move to quiet, middle-class areas because they want to reduce the possibility of living next to anti-social scumbags.


The Police crime map is rather illuminating in these cases.


My experiences of living in Page Hall in the 60's and my family's desire to get away are well documented Vague_Boy. However affordable housing doesn't necessarily mean 'anti-social scumbags'!

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