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£157 for a Doctors Signature

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The payment isn't for the death certificate but is for the cremation form. The form comes in two parts and requires the signature of 2 doctors. The Dr who completes the death certificate will generally also complete the first part of the cremation form. It does also involve a visit to the mortuary to view the deceased where a record is made of the Drs attendance.


Its a few years since i last filled one in but they were often not straightforward and were considerably more work than just providing a signature. In some circumstances you'd have to speak to the coroner and frequently the Dr completing the part 2 would ring you up to interrogate.


If you don't want to pay the fee then don't opt for cremation. I think its right that its classed as non-NHS work and remember that most of the GPs signing them will be be taxed at 40%. I don't think the fee is set by the BMA as that would constitute a cartel. I'm pretty sure its a government set fee although i'm happy to be corrected.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear xfox3x, I'm a producer with the BBC and I am currently looking into this issue (and more generally the issue of death certification). I'm very interested in discussing the subject with you, if possible? I'd be grateful if you could get in touch for a background chat. My email address is anna.meisel@bbc.co.uk and my telephone number is 02036140977. Thank you, Anna

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I have just read up about these charges and found the following


From April 2014 only the medical examiner will be allowed to fill out cremation forms and GP's will no longer be paid the £76 for each form called forms 4 and 5 they currently fill out.

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