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Muhammad Ali 1968 speech on race and marriage

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What's the difference, apart from one of the racists being black? You can't say personal experiences are justified in making someone a racist, but then deny the same consideration to the other.


Anyone who votes for the BNP is a morally deficient idiot, regardless of circumstance.

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That sums it up for me. The 60s was a very different time.
It might have been a very different time, but I can't see that what he said was racist, then or now. He was just saying that he, regarded as a black man, didn't want his colour diluted, that he thought black people were fine as they were. The 'black is beautiful' message. Maybe that ad about the melting pot turning out coffee coloured people was around at the time and he didn't like idea, even though his grandfather was Irish? :D


I see on Facebook all the time, sites like "Beautiful Black Women", "Beautiful Black Children", "White Women who love Black Men" and so on, and I wonder if someone started them up vice versa, they'd be considered racist?

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Well not me... but I'm speaking on behalf of the chap who went on to vote BNP, he's clearly being treated differently because of the colour of his skin. Do you have any sympathy for him?


Your hypothetical white man beaten up by black men?


I'm sympathetic that he got beaten up - horrible thing to happen to anyone.


How do you know he's been beaten up for being white?


Even if it was a racially motivated beating, voting BNP is still the action of a fool with a serious lack of thinking ability and common humanity.

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Your hypothetical white man beaten up by black men?


I'm sympathetic that he got beaten up - horrible thing to happen to anyone.


How do you know he's been beaten up for being white?


Even if it was a racially motivated beating, voting BNP is still the action of a fool with a serious lack of thinking ability and common humanity.


They called him racist names... come on use your imagination... It was a racist attack... Its nothing to do with him voting BNP... the point is more that he turned racist because of the actions of another race... as did Ali..


---------- Post added 07-01-2014 at 19:24 ----------


here we go, another half arsed "race" thread trying to stir up the same old crap


Do you have an opinion? :hihi:

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He was just saying that he, regarded as a black man, didn't want his colour diluted, that he thought black people were fine as they were. The 'black is beautiful' message.


The black is beautiful message doesn't necessarily imply any negativity toward mixed relationships.

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What's the difference, apart from one of the racists being black? You can't say personal experiences are justified in making someone a racist, but then deny the same consideration to the other.




That's when Enoch Powel made his infamous speech. Can he be forgiven?




Well not me... but I'm speaking on behalf of the chap who went on to vote BNP, he's clearly being treated differently because of the colour of his skin. Do you have any sympathy for him?


No Enoch was a politician therefore he made his living by words & he had influence. Ali was a young angry man who had been insulted throughout his life for no good reason.


I will guarantee you that no immigrant had ever done any harm to Powell, he was simply stirring up trouble for political gain.


As for the guy beaten up & deciding to vote BNP yes actually I do have some sympathy for him. Emotions are powerful things even when misguided.

In my opinion he's wrong to allow the actions of one or two people to have that effect but it's understandable.


What Ali & his fellow African Americans had to put up with was continuous & must have seemed to them as representing the views of all whites. After all segregation was approved by law & so had to be the view of the State in which they lived.

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They called him racist names... come on use your imagination... It was a racist attack... Its nothing to do with him voting BNP... the point is more that he turned racist because of the actions of another race... as did Ali..


---------- Post added 07-01-2014 at 19:24 ----------



Do you have an opinion? :hihi:


Perhaps he just bright enough to realise that the actions of one group of black men doesn't mean all black men are bad men?


He'd have to be pretty stupid otherwise wouldn't he?

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Blimey... see my sig... if I came on here and said the same as that, I'd be banned... why? because I'm white... :hihi:
You'd only be banned if the admin decided you had no right to express your opinion. I think racism is more about thinking other races are inferior to your race, or denying people life opportunities because of their race. Not whether you want them to marry your son or daughter. And nothing to do with whether or not you think you're beautiful in your racial characteristics, and wanting to preserve them, like Ali said.


If they think I'm wrong or being a hypocrite, I'll have to get banned then.

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