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Muhammad Ali 1968 speech on race and marriage

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In relation to racial purity, the Klan and Ali agree.


---------- Post added 07-01-2014 at 23:11 ----------


Skin colour is not an important indicator of the type of person. Its racist to assume so. .


---------- Post added 07-01-2014 at 23:00 ----------


You haven't answered my question,,I wont hold my breath.;)


Which one was that..?

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Why? They're only saying the same as Ali?


The difference however, is quite significant isn't it? The KKK hated black people simply because they were black.

No other reason, not because they had done something to hurt members of the KKK, just because they were a different race.


African Americans on the other hand did have legitimate reasons to hate white people.

They were discriminated against in their own country & treat within the law as second class citizens.


That hatred is understandable, at least to me it is, it's retaliatory, you may argue it's wrong, but at least it has a logical basis.


Hating someone that has done you no harm purely because of the colour of their skin on the other hand is pure ignorant bigotry.

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In relation to racial purity, the Klan and Ali agree.


---------- Post added 07-01-2014 at 23:11 ----------



Which one was that..?


ok one last time,do you think we should all have the same skin color, look the same and have the same characteristics? Should we all mix and end up a sort of coffee color and lose any distinct difference,I dont maybe you do or just dont care,I like the fact we all look different based on our racial make up.

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African Americans on the other hand did have legitimate reasons to hate white people.


Bit of a generalization there. What they hated all white people for what a minority did? Didn't the Americans fight a civil war, in which the abolition of slavery was a big issue?


In relation to racial purity, the Klan and Ali agree.


---------- Post added 07-01-2014 at 23:11 ----------



ok one last time,do you think we should all have the same skin color, look the same and have the same characteristics? Should we all mix and end up a sort of coffee color and lose any distinct difference,I dont maybe you do or just dont care,I like the fact we all look different based on our racial make up.


I don't care. But it wouldn't bother me at all. It won't happen though because some don't marry out of their own community. Pakistani Muslims for example.


White people are less racist and tend to integrate with different races..


No they aren't.

There's no comparison.


On the specific idea that people shouldn't inter breed the have the same opinion.

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Bit of a generalization there. What they hated all white people for what a minority did? Didn't the Americans fight a civil war, in which the abolition of slavery was a big issue?





On the specific idea that people shouldn't inter breed the have the same opinion.

What the KKK represent is aberrant. They are white protestant extremists with a hatred of anyone who is not only of a non white race, but a different religion also.


Their supremist organisation stands for everything I find detestable, and while any one with any principles (religious belief or non) continues to stand against them they will remain powerless.

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Dont talk silly,there is nothing wrong in loving your ethnicity and skin color,he was right then and he is right now.


So just to clarify you think it acceptable for people to state that different races should not breed with each other?


Of course,its not a crime is it to hold that view,but its getting that way isn't it,if people dont want to race mix that's their choice.

Exactly, and that's not what he was saying. He wasn't just saying 'I don't want to my children to be mixed race' he was saying 'no-one should have mixed race children'.

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What the KKK represent is aberrant. They are white protestant extremists with a hatred of anyone who is not only of a non white race, but a different religion also.


There supremist organisation stands for everything I find detestable, and while any one with any principles (religious belief or non) continues to stand against them they will remain powerless.


Yes we all know that. Nobody is saying they are right. I'm saying they are both wrong in their point that the races shouldn't mix. It seems okay for Ali to say it though. It seems the only explanation for this is because he is black...:suspect:


So please stick to the point I am making in relation to both statements about interbreeding between the races. Are you saying they are both right, or both wrong, or one is right but not the other, on this point alone please...

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Yes we all know that. Nobody is saying they are right. I'm saying they are both wrong in their point that the races shouldn't mix. It seems okay for Ali to say it though. It seems the only explanation for this is because he is black...:suspect:


So please stick to the point I am making in relation to both statements about interbreeding between the races. Are you saying they are both right, or both wrong, or one is right but not the other, on this point alone please...

I've already said they are both wrong in a manner of speaking. And I've made an attempt to explain in earlier examples why people, black or white hold the attitudes they have. I can't make it much clearer then that surely.


What I am also saying again for the last time, is that those who choose not to mix (who I'm sure are the minority in present day times in most societies) have the right to hold that opinion.

I would rather they didn't feel that way because its an issue that could cause potential divisions within their own family circles, even though I don't believe holding those views has to imply they are being racist.

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