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One for the fox lovers

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That's a tame fox probably reared by the person who posted the video.


They are beautiful creatures but they have a bad side to them too. You should also be weary of a wild animal that appears docile, its a sign of disease.


Then you have the reports such as this: Mother's 'nightmare' after baby twins 'mauled' by fox http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10251349


Yes a story that is 3 and half years old.

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the last pit bull attack as some time ago too, does that mean pit bulls have gone through some sort of renaissance and are now cute and cuddly?


Your statements prove/disprove nothing. There are well socialised pit bulls, and to a more limited degrees socialsed foxes (socialised to humans that is) and their suitability to be around humans, has far more to do with their early life/experiences, than their breeding.

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