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One for the fox lovers

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Your statements prove/disprove nothing. There are well socialised pit bulls, and to a more limited degrees socialsed foxes (socialised to humans that is) and their suitability to be around humans, has far more to do with their early life/experiences, than their breeding.


rubbish. every time there is a dog attack the people close to the dog say how nice and loving the dog was. pit bulls are bread to fight and this is why they have such a bad reputation and rightly so.


a fox is a wild animal with hundreds of thousands of years of evolution to hunt and kill its prey. Domestication takes generations, not a few years.


take your head out of Beatrix Potter books and you might find a fox is nothing like the cute and cuddly animal you seem to this they are.

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The Fox(Vulpine) is related to the Cat(Feline) so if you have a regular visit from a Fox be it in your garden/back yard where ever don't discourage them from visiting because while they are around you wont get problems from Rats or Mice, if you have a chicken coup or rabbits or hamsters in cages and are well secure still don't discourage the fox from a visit because it will keep the horrible Rat away which will be a constant threat to your pets.

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The Fox(Vulpine) is related to the Cat(Feline) so if you have a regular visit from a Fox be it in your garden/back yard where ever don't discourage them from visiting because while they are around you wont get problems from Rats or Mice, if you have a chicken coup or rabbits or hamsters in cages and are well secure still don't discourage the fox from a visit because it will keep the horrible Rat away which will be a constant threat to your pets.


No they are not. Foxes are Canidae and cats are Felinae, they are not related unless you go all the way back to biological "Order", which is silly.

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Apologies, the Fox is not related to the cat, but the common red fox is of the Vulpes genre, the other 37 species is canidae


Also wrong. There are 37 species that are referred to as foxes but of that 37 only 12 of them are actual foxes. This includes the red fox which is the fox we have in the UK and is not related to cats.

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Also wrong. There are 37 species that are referred to as foxes but of that 37 only 12 of them are actual foxes. This includes the red fox which is the fox we have in the UK and is not related to cats.


yes we have already established the cat business no need to bang on like a proper know it all and yes I can also refer to wikapedia like you have and quote word for word, okedoke, so is Basil Brush half human because he can talk, BOM BOM.:hihi::loopy:

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yes we have already established the cat business no need to bang on like a proper know it all and yes I can also refer to wikapedia like you have and quote word for word, okedoke, so is Basil Brush half human because he can talk, BOM BOM.:hihi::loopy:


'Boom Boom' actually-


A mischievous character and a raconteur, Basil Brush is best known for his catchphrase "Ha Ha Ha! Boom! Boom!", used after something he finds funny, and also for speaking in a "posh" accent and manner, referring to himself as a "fella". The character claims to dislike puppets, and says his most prized possession is his "brush", this being the traditional name for a fox's tail.





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I often see 2 or 3 foxes in a morning on my way to work, i shout em like you do a cat, but they run away :hihi:


Believe it or not I've seen badgers on Langsett road in the early hours.

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