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Dial House Club goes up in flames

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Well everyone said it was only a matter of time, but i have been awake since the early hours listening to the masses of fire engines. Yes Its been burnt down and the 13 and 14 bus service cant get through cos the roads are blocked. So those of you catching the bus into town this morning should walk to william hill and catch 58 or get another from hillsborough. Good luck.

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just been and had a look,the roof on the listed part has collapsed and all the concert room too,it definatly looks like arson as the fire was all over the place,the council wont refuse planning now, though they ought too it may stop these fires happening:loopy: :loopy:

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Road was still closed with fire engines and a big crane when I came past. It really is appalling that people get can away with this sort of thing. As said above, I'm sure a set of luxury apartments will rise phoenix-like from the ashes.

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Firstly, please stop assuming that somebody has committed a criminal act for commercial gain. That's no more than slander. People go to prison for committing such acts. The Police & Fire Brigade and Insurance Investigators don't have to look very far to find culprits in such circumstances. That's why it's as rare as hens teeth.


Secondly, there's no reason to grant planning just because there was a fire. Insurance should sort out the damage.


Lastly, all that said, IMO the only reason it was refused was political anyway, so I was all for it being redeveloped, especially as I understand that its days as a commercially viable club had passed.

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