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Dial House Club goes up in flames

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Rumour has it the land and building owner wanted to sell it and redevelop into flats, but because the building was listed this was turned down. Now mysteriously the building is burned down? very convenient don't you think?


amazing what gossip true or not you can pick up from mothers dropping their kids off at school!

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the fire brigade took the call about 5.20am so it was probably started an hr or so earlier,the good thing is the council have said the front part that is listed will have to be rebuilt, the bad thing is will the insurance pay out:huh:

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Is it true that there was a fire at the Dial? Was anyone hurt? Was there much damage?

No - one hurt but the building is comprehensively trashed. if you go to the "search " feature and type in "Dial House Club" you can read all about it and see a photograph of the damage.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My dad used to decorate the Dial every other year and when i was a kid (mid 70's) i used to go around with him in the school holidays.


I always thought there was something special about being in an adults only place when it was shut.


I can still remember the beery smells left from the night before.


Funny what you remember isn't it?


Anyway,the club went into decline and most people my age (30 somethings) don't want to frequent working mens clubs. Tastes are more sophisticated these days as is general leasure choice.

I'd rather go to a nice clean bar or restaraunt any day.

And i think they should knock the place down and get some new affordable housing built.

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I was speakin to one of the investigating firefighters and aparently they're sure it was an insurance job. An application for something like planning permission was turned down, weeks later the place goes up in smoke!!

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