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Restaurant owner sells his business to pay for waitresses medical bill

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Isn't Obamacare supposed to sort things out for the yanks??


You'd think so, but there are problems with Obamacare sorry, the "Affordable Care Act" in that (excuse my poor understanding, for I am of limited intelligence) it forces people to take health insurance even if they don't want it or can't afford it, so now that health insurance is mandatory, the health insurance companies in the US, like our car insurance companies here in the UK, have started jacking their prices up :)


Don't you love how free markets work, and how opening up markets to private corporations means increased competition and lower prices and higher levels of service for everybody, except when the private companies have a monopoly on services, but that's still good except when the public sector has a monopoly on something, because that's bad?


Anyway, the bible of the Left, the Guardian, has a story on it here:


I never thought I'd be an outlaw, but the Affordable Care Act might make me one


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