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Childline - racist bullying on the up.

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I'm suspicious of the article given that the headline links an immigration debate to being part of a far right agenda.


Later down the article it says "The rise in children needing help for xenophobic bullying coincides with rising political hostility to immigration".


"rising political hostility to immigration" isn't limited to a far right agenda, as the Independent are trying to suggest.


What they're basically trying to say is, if you want tighter immigration control, you're racist, and you're also responsible for bullying.


I think that sums it up nicely.

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My eight year old daughter is a fairly smart kid, after one such incident she innocently said "is it Muslims again?". She worked that much out for herself.


Your eight-year old daughter watches the news. Hey, I believe you even if nobody else will :nod:

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I'm suspicious of the article given that the headline links an immigration debate to being part of a far right agenda.


Later down the article it says "The rise in children needing help for xenophobic bullying coincides with rising political hostility to immigration".


"rising political hostility to immigration" isn't limited to a far right agenda, as the Independent are trying to suggest.


What they're basically trying to say is, if you want tighter immigration control, you're racist, and you're also responsible for bullying.


My sentiments exactly, the left like to believe it's an extreme right issue, they are wrong, many people of all ages and backgrounds as well as all the main political parties have concerns about immigration and the effects on services etc !

Oh and some racist bullies are the ethnic minorities themselves, it's not a trait confined to the white British that's for sure.

Radical Islam and hate preaching numpties and terrorists have not done the good Muslims any favours whatsoever in Britain IMHO !

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There are bullies in schools and they should always be challenged.

Children will often use 'differences' to wind up each other and sometimes it can get quite nasty.

However, it would not be unusual for a bully to target several different students and to use varying 'differences' to match their target.

One maybe 'ginger'. Another 'overweight'. Another 'dark-skinned'.


In that situation, does the 'dark-skinned' bullying really warrant treating any differently from the other abuse?


I have witnessed one member of staff visibly 'chuffed' that she could record something as 'racist' so she could get that report off to the authority.

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The Genocidal Racism of Left-Wing Extremists

by Paul Weston


I have had some interesting discussions with extreme left-wingers recently. And oh boy, what a dreadful lot of immoral, dangerous racists they are!


[Paul Weston] These online conversations are always initiated by the leftists, who promptly accuse me of racism, bigotry and Islamophobia. I reply that I am not driven by a dislike, or even hatred of foreigners, but that I love my country, its culture, its people and its inherent decency, all of which I see threatened by an ever-growing number of immigrant people who share few of our moderate ideals.


This sparks off more accusations of racism, but I then ask the following question: “You tell me British Colonialism was wrong, yet you have no problem with Britain being colonised. This tells me it is not colonialism that bothers you, but the existence of traditional Britain. Is this the case?”


The leftist reply to this is that Britain committed all sorts of atrocities in the past, and it is now retribution time. I then ask them if they carry this same view over to other forms of colonialism. For example, the Zulus ethnically cleansed the Hottentot from Southern Africa, so based on leftist logic was it not a morally just form of retribution when the Zulus in turn were subjugated by the British and the Dutch? If the leftist considers this was not morally just, was it purely because the British and Dutch colonisers were white?


Leftists don’t really like this argument. They have difficulty answering the question because in their own peculiar world view, tribal racism simply does not exist when non-whites are the guilty party. Only whites can be guilty and only whites must suffer retribution. This is, of course, pure anti-white racism writ large.



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Only whites can be guilty and only whites must suffer retribution. This is, of course, pure anti-white racism writ large.


You ain't seen nothin' yet!


It's holocaust memorial day later this month, and we'll be carrying around that White Guilt for the rest of the year!

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Germany was multi-cultural before Hitler started to ethnically cleanse it. Do you think Hitler was responsible for the genocide there or do you think it was the fault of the Jews and liberals?


I don't really think that the Holocaust was an instance of racial bullying. You seem to be losing perspective.

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I don't really think that the Holocaust was an instance of racial bullying. You seem to be losing perspective.


Oh, I agree, Hitler was just trying to preserve the purity of the white race, just like Muhammad Ali tried to do for the blacks… :roll:

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