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Sugar is the New Tobacco

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I don't think anyone is claiming that 'extra' protein is necessary, a normal balanced diet including meat will include plenty of protein, even for a very active individual.


No- people are claiming that protein over and above the levels found in a diet of fruit and unprocessed carbs can lead to deficiency.


And, a 'normal balanced diet' is fairly meaningless these days, now it's obvious that a large portion of the population are suffering from extreme conditions that are clearly due to bad diet (obesity, much of the diabetes epidemic and of course, heart disease), many of them being convince that they're eating a 'normal balanced diet'.

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If you think regular Coke tastes nice, the government clampdown on sugary treats can't come soon enough


Yes we should have menus,like set meals that the goverment issue.Maybe they will pay for them too?


Why idiots are so keen to give away their right of choice is beyond me!

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I don't think anyone is claiming that 'extra' protein is necessary, a normal balanced diet including meat will include plenty of protein, even for a very active individual.


Or a vegetarian diet, especially one which includes dairy products.


Or, a fruitarian/80/10/10 diet. People on that lifestyle tend to take deficiencies very seriously- for example, most of them will take a vitamin B12 supplement (most vegan websites also now recommend supplementing B12 these days, having realised that the likes of seaweed are not a viable source of B12).


But- they're totally unconcerned about protein- they know from experience that the protein in fruit and unprocessed carbs are totally adequste to supply the bodies needs.


For decades the dairy/meat industry has been bankrolling studies meant to show that we all need to eat more protein- as a result there's some very scewed research out there.


Equally however, plenty of studies have shown that too much protein intake is harmfull to health, and clear statistics show that countries with high meat/dairy consumption (and therefore hogh protein) suffer way more health issues such as weak bones/bone loss, heart disease and certain cancers.

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Equally however, plenty of studies have shown that too much protein intake is harmfull to health, and clear statistics show that countries with high meat/dairy consumption (and therefore hogh protein) suffer way more health issues such as weak bones/bone loss, heart disease and certain cancers.


Too much of anything is bad, that's an entirely pointless statement.


No links to anything to back up your comments? I've never heard anything to do with weak bones/bone loss to do with protein.


A normal balanced diet is what it says. People get obese etc when they don't have a normal balanced diet which is exactly what you said yourself.


now it's obvious that a large portion of the population are suffering from extreme conditions that are clearly due to bad diet.


Nothing that anyone is currently saying about sugar etc is newsworthy. It's been known for years. People have moaned in the press about the same things over and over again. If people choose to ignore recommendations from doctors and dieticians then that's entirely up to them.

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Too much of anything is bad, that's an entirely pointless statement.


The point is that too much protein may well be a lesser amount than current recommendations.



No links to anything to back up your comments? I've never heard anything to do with weak bones/bone loss to do with protein.

Heard of google? :)

A normal balanced diet is what it says. People get obese etc when they don't have a normal balanced diet which is exactly what you said yourself.

No, I never said that. Until there's a usable definition of what a "normal balanced diet" is, I can't really say anything about it. Strange that it contains the word 'normal' though, as most 'normal' diets tend to cause illness and obesity.


Nothing that anyone is currently saying about sugar etc is newsworthy. It's been known for years. People have moaned in the press about the same things over and over again. If people choose to ignore recommendations from doctors and dieticians then that's entirely up to them.


What's been known for years? The medical system has demonised both fat and sugar. They also demonised butter and said people should use margarine.


Now it's known that hydrogenated vegetable fats (prime ingredient in margarine) are far more harmfull than butter. It's estimated that 80,000 americans are dying every year (heart disease) as a direct result of consuming hydrogenated vegetable fats.


The 'doctors' have got very little idea about the real dietary causes of heart disease, diabetes, cancer etc)- hence why, after 2 decades of 'advice' to the public, mass introduction of 'low-fat' foods in supermarkets etc, etc, obesity and disease rates have risen exponentially.

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On a slightly different note, I wonder when the shops are going to start shoving up the price of food blaming the increase of the bad weather despite the fact we import more than we produce? I reckon they'll start "The Squeeze" in two week's time.

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What's been known for years? The medical system has demonised both fat and sugar. They also demonised butter and said people should use margarine.


Now it's known that hydrogenated vegetable fats (prime ingredient in margarine) are far more harmfull than butter. It's estimated that 80,000 americans are dying every year (heart disease) as a direct result of consuming hydrogenated vegetable fats.


The 'doctors' have got very little idea about the real dietary causes of heart disease, diabetes, cancer etc)- hence why, after 2 decades of 'advice' to the public, mass introduction of 'low-fat' foods in supermarkets etc, etc, obesity and disease rates have risen exponentially.

So you are one of these people who listens to these kind of hype and fads, rather than to listen to your own body ? There was a time early on in my 20s whereby I was swept by these kind of hysterical information which comes out once a while, but if you sit and watch it go by. It will circle itself. Plus it does not always apply to everybody in the whole country.


At the end of the day, you know what you put into your own body, and what works best for you. Sometimes there may be a brilliant missing piece of the puzzle but I doubt that it is one of these kind of situation whereby what comes out of the media is always true, and always applicable to everyone. Research is always based on statistical approximation. "We" as people know what is the ultimate truth that affects our body, as we should learn and we should know this of ourselves.


There are also a lot of choices now in the supermarket and they use any angle to sell something. But in truth, in isolation, a lot of those items may work on its own. But when something is extracted as a single piece of information, and without the whole consideration too actually defeats the point. For example, green tea is a great example. It is used by the Japanese for centuries, but that was also possibly because they have a certain diet and habit which is more cultural. Their tea drinking habit is also ritualistic as well as it is cultural. To then extract this single "anti-oxidant" food item and apply it to the UK is not likely to work. Do we have the same diet? No. Do we live the same way? No. We don't eat those bento boxes and we have a 3 course meal per day attitude. We also don't take time out to meditate or to drink tea. So why and how will green tea work for a typical worker in the UK? Most people react them based on taste. This is something that I do not understand, as people do not try to live a wholesome lifestyle at all. This is the power of marketing.

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So you are one of these people who listens to these kind of hype and fads, rather than to listen to your own body ? There was a time early on in my 20s whereby I was swept by these kind of hysterical information which comes out once a while, but if you sit and watch it go by. It will circle itself. Plus it does not always apply to everybody in the whole country.


At the end of the day, you know what you put into your own body, and what works best for you. Sometimes there may be a brilliant missing piece of the puzzle but I doubt that it is one of these kind of situation whereby what comes out of the media is always true, and always applicable to everyone. Research is always based on statistical approximation. "We" as people know what is the ultimate truth that affects our body, as we should learn and we should know this of ourselves.


There are also a lot of choices now in the supermarket and they use any angle to sell something. But in truth, in isolation, a lot of those items may work on its own. But when something is extracted as a single piece of information, and without the whole consideration too actually defeats the point. For example, green tea is a great example. It is used by the Japanese for centuries, but that was also possibly because they have a certain diet and habit which is more cultural. Their tea drinking habit is also ritualistic as well as it is cultural. To then extract this single "anti-oxidant" food item and apply it to the UK is not likely to work. Do we have the same diet? No. Do we live the same way? No. We don't eat those bento boxes and we have a 3 course meal per day attitude. We also don't take time out to meditate or to drink tea. So why and how will green tea work for a typical worker in the UK? Most people react them based on taste. This is something that I do not understand, as people do not try to live a wholesome lifestyle at all. This is the power of marketing.


I'm not sure what your point is?


I very much do listen to my body- it's most recent message seems to be 'eat loads of fruit, non-processed carbs, minimise fats, cut out all vegetable derived fats/oils, don't ever be hungry & eat as much fruit as you want' which it's communicated by shedding 2 stone of excess weight and leaving me feeling better than I have done for decades.

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