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Sugar is the New Tobacco

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Exactly, so i should be able to eat as much sugar, salt, alcohol as i like.


Do you know any vegan's? They look ill


Here's some vegans-



first 40 secs are vegan propaganda which you may want to skip, but the rest of it is vegans doing stuff which most people wouldn't have a hope at, and, they look far from ill :)

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Exactly, so i should be able to eat as much sugar, salt, alcohol as i like.


Do you know any vegan's? They look ill


The problem is must people don't know how much sugar and salt they eat when they buy processed food or even just bread.


They probably think it can't be THAT bad, but it actually is pretty awful.


A ready to eat meal from the supermarket can contain as much as 300% of the rda of salt.


A chocolate bar is basically a bar of sugar and a can of coke contains the equivalent of 10 tsp of sugar!

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Here's some vegans-



first 40 secs are vegan propaganda which you may want to skip, but the rest of it is vegans doing stuff which most people wouldn't have a hope at, and, they look far from ill :)


These two are raw vegans and they ran 365 marathons in a year and they are in their 60's!



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Don't say chip you're encouraging obesity.


I just think that if you even have to read this table to know there is sugar in these foods then you're beyond help already.


Who doesn't know that Frosties or Mars bars or Pepsi or Tomato Sauce contains a lot of sugar? They've been telling us this for 5 years.


A fat person doesn't eat a bunch of cakes wondering what is making him so fat, he knows it's the cakes he doesn't care that they're full of sugar, they taste nice.


When I buy a can of Coke, I don't get diet...because the regular one tastes nicer. I know that's because it contains sugar, I can make the decisions about what I want to eat.


In 50 years we'll all be eating zero sugar gray sludge rationed out by the Government because that's the way we're heading.


i buy full fat coke because of the taste too, though i hear diet coke contains a sweetener that some places are trying to ban?

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i buy full fat coke because of the taste too, though i hear diet coke contains a sweetener that some places are trying to ban?


Correct. It's called aspartame and it is believed to be carcinogenic.


Just don't drink cola/lemonade/Fanta or any fizzy drinks at all. They're full of addictive crap.

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Exactly, so i should be able to eat as much sugar, salt, alcohol as i like.


Do you know any vegan's? They look ill


I don't think anyone has suggested that you shouldn't be able to eat what you like. Perhaps you've failed to understand what the food industry is being asked to do.


And yes, I know one vegan, and she doesn't appear unhealthy at all.

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Correct. It's called aspartame and it is believed to be carcinogenic.


A belief that is not backed up as all current studies and data show no connection.


Just don't drink cola/lemonade/Fanta or any fizzy drinks at all. They're full of addictive crap.


What addictive crap would that be then?

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A belief that is not backed up as all current studies and data show no connection.
I suppose it depends who does the studies and how they are funded. There are vested interests in these products, needless to say, and big businesses who will fight very hard to ensure the trials show what they want them to show. It was exactly the same with infant formula. Anyway, you carry on consuming the stuff if you wish. From my point of view, it's unhealthy because it has no nutritional value, it sdoesn't help reduce sugar craving - it merely exacerbates them, and there's enough concern about its long term effects to warrant not consuming it at all.




What addictive crap would that be then?
Refined sugar and caffeine.
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