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Proof that Americans ARE STUPID ?

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Well if anyone is interested in how stupid, ill educated and moronic those in certain countries including the USA and the UK are then feast your eyes on some facts, which suggest the future of our and the US nation.


We and the USA are a beacon for the developed world for education our people into idiots. It is a government policy, and has been in force for over 30 years. Private education, or them that can pay for education are to be the new elites, towering above the ill educated masses, as social engineering is the name of this particular game.


Before you read the following, I have stated that people are educated into being stupid, just as easily as educated into genius, both are learned traits, not some genetic component. Achievement and such is just a cultural distortion of the survival strategy we were born with, and how this strategy is exploited is the point. It is a policy to under educate the majority of people, so they will not know how to add up, complain and such, so can be easily exploited by corporations and institutions, without them being aware of it.




The article is from the New Yorker, and is about the education levels in the USa, but the charts also show the brilliant British/English involvement in the fight for the most stupid nation.

Edited by erebus
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Well if anyone is interested in how stupid, ill educated and moronic those in certain countries including the USA and the UK are then feast your eyes on some facts, which suggest the future of our and the US nation.


We and the USA are a beacon for the developed world for education our people into idiots. It is a government policy, and has been in force for over 30 years. Private education, or them that can pay for education are to be the new elites, towering above the ill educated masses, as social engineering is the name of this particular game.


Before you read the following, I have stated that people are educated into being stupid, just as easily as educated into genius, both are learned traits, not some genetic component. Achievement and such is just a cultural distortion of the survival strategy we were born with, and how this strategy is exploited is the point. It is a policy to under educate the majority of people, so they will not know how to add up, complain and such, so can be easily exploited by corporations and institutions, without them being aware of it.




The article is from the New Yorker, and is about the education levels in the USa, but the charts also show the brilliant British/English involvement in the fight for the most stupid nation.



Judging by your post, it looks like mission accomplished.

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Its hardly surprising we are doing so badly in the education rankings when you consider how many non English speaking kids we have in our schools.


There are plenty of reasons why that might be; non English speaking children isn't one of them.

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Robert Peston ‏@Peston 1m

Only in US? Burns epidemic as people throw boiling water in ice cold air, assuming it will freeze http://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-boiling-snow-20140107,0,6070776.story#axzz2pue7ldST … HT @fieldproducer


Need i say anymore?:hihi::hihi:


Need I say more that you're obviously not very well educated.


Hot water actually freezes faster than cold water. This one of the main reasons why ice resurfacers at ice rinks use hot water to recondition the surface.


Learn basic physics before making stupid comments. The joke is on you here.

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The US has roughly half the population believing in young earth creationism, politicians and high-court officials who believe that mythological creatures like the devil actually exist, and people on their boards of education actively trying to undermine the teaching of evolution. Stupid? Damn right!

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The US has roughly half the population believing in young earth creationism, politicians and high-court officials who believe that mythological creatures like the devil actually exist, and people on their boards of education actively trying to undermine the teaching of evolution. Stupid? Damn right!


Not everywhere is like that, though. We always hear about such and such school board wanted to go through with those plans, but what we dont hear is the parents showing up to the meetings expressing the disgust with such decisions nor or are we seeing those crazies being re-elected to their positions.


Very few districts teach it exclusively. Most states have their own curriculums that ALL districts need to follow in order for their students to graduate with a qualified diploma that universities and colleges will recognise in order to attend. Most places where creationism is being taught, its usually alongside evolution as a compromise.


I went to school (in the mid 90s) and the school board elected for us not to be taught about HIV/AIDS. All the teachers ignored this ruling and it was still taught. Within a few years, it was part of the curriculum.

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The last line of their National Anthem is a joke. Land of the Free, ( yeah whilst slavery still existed) and the Home of the Brave, (I hope they are not on about the Indian Brave,) look how long their Homes existed courtesy of the Americans,:loopy:


Dont go there as Great Britain has a lot to explain with its Imperialism thoughout the centuries.

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