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Proof that Americans ARE STUPID ?

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Firstly we don't sing land of the free, and what a cheek to mention the word Brave in any shape or form. Secondly it's a sure sign when you are losing the argument because you have accused me and others before about using different user names, talking of user names why don't you change yours to TINSLEY BOY OR MOPED MAN or even PLASTIC MAN. And yes I do know where my daddy(Father the grown up version) comes from, the answer is my Nan Nan( Grandmother also the grown up version) forget History lessons there you go a Biology lesson for you.:hihi:


There you go. True to form. You come on here bad mouthing the Yanks and when I counter your dumb remarks with something intelligent you revert to your usual silly childish personal remarks.


Got no more time for you PRESLEY. This kind of exchange gets nowhere

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Some of you might like this. Mostly American.


Teachers of Reddit, what are some of the dumbest things your students have ever said?


Cherry picked some.


My wife is a teacher. One day she had a student who got community service for some petty crimes in our city. He told her, "I got 48 hours of community service, but I think I'm going to buckle down and try to get it all done in a day."


During the Civil War unit, asked by an 8th grader: "Does it hurt to be shot by a cannon?"

My response: "Not for long."


"Is Hitler dead yet?"

Edit: It was last year.


"Did the people who ran the planes into the Twin Towers, like, go to jail afterwards?"


CC History Instructor here: A girl in my class asked why there were so many sick animals in Vietnam? I wonder aloud why? She said because we keep talking about all the vets from Vietnam.


I had a student who asked me about the American debt with China, big question from a nine year old, so I did my best to scale the answer down to their understanding. Once I'm done he puts his hand back up and says "but doesn't China need that money for their karate schools?"


"I don't believe in Newton's first law. It's against my religion."

edit to say that yes, after some questioning, the student was serious.


I was working in a high-tec company in the USA, one day I walk out of the lab and a number of my colleagues were arguing over where Europe was. Took me a while to convince them it was a group of countries not just Denmark or France. Explaining Wales took a lot longer.


Me: "What language do they speak in Egypt?"

Friend: "uhhh................. Egyptian?"

"no Come on it's the name of the neighboring peninsula?"


"They speak it in the country bordering it to the east too.."

"uhhh Syria.... Dubai... oh Saudi Arabia"

"Phew.. now what language do they speak in Saudi ARABIA?"


god damnit there are so many things wrong with that answer


I'm not a teacher, but one day we had a speaker of Middle-Eastern descent come into our American Literature class to give a presentation. Before the speaker said anything, our teacher asked us where we thought he was from. One of my classmates raised his hand and confidently said "Al Qaeda." You could feel a wave of unease wash over the room.


I teach high school Environmental Science and we were covering the planets, I was mentioning we can see certain planets from Earth, some with telescopes, some without. A girl raises her hand and, completely seriously, asks me how we discovered Earth.


"They're taking the word gullible out of the dictionary!"

He was completely serious.


Is Ireland bigger than Africa?

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I think some people are just idiots and it has nothing to do it their whereabouts.


Now then, most of you here know I'm an American and have had the pleasure of an American education (and the longer I'm here, the scarier it becomes what youre not taught here). My Earth Science teacher used the white cliffs of dover for an example of rock and what not (its been 23 year so forgive me for not remembering why he was using it as an example) and this guy Tom raised his hand. He asked if EVERYTHING in Dover was white, including the grass and dirt. The teacher had to break into a Biology lesson and teach him about photosynthesis and chloroform.


So, same classroom, same teacher, same education, but some people are just idiots.

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I think some people are just idiots and it has nothing to do it their whereabouts.


Now then, most of you here know I'm an American and have had the pleasure of an American education (and the longer I'm here, the scarier it becomes what youre not taught here). My Earth Science teacher used the white cliffs of dover for an example of rock and what not (its been 23 year so forgive me for not remembering why he was using it as an example) and this guy Tom raised his hand. He asked if EVERYTHING in Dover was white, including the grass and dirt. The teacher had to break into a Biology lesson and teach him about photosynthesis and chloroform.


So, same classroom, same teacher, same education, but some people are just idiots.


They used to teach history and geography when I was going through Sheffield schools but that was decades ago and teachers were a different breed then and that was before Wikipedia

Edited by Harleyman
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Its threads like this one that make me miss this place. I need to check in more often. Can't put a price on this sort of entertainment. :D


As long as you don't visit Sheffield in person, because that'll only disappoint you.


Anyway, do you know what is meant by "chain control" ? I never did get a straight answer from our resident Yan-- North Americans.

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As long as you don't visit Sheffield in person, because that'll only disappoint you.


Anyway, do you know what is meant by "chain control" ? I never did get a straight answer from our resident Yan-- North Americans.


I have been to Sheffield in person and met some lovely people from this very forum.


As for chain control, certain national parks have requirements that you have chains on your tires or at least in your vehicle when you enter because of icy road conditions. They don't want to waste their time coming to pull your vehicle out of a ditch if you slip off the road.

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I have been to Sheffield in person and met some lovely people from this very forum.


Aha, no doubt you only saw the nice parts :) I can't blame your hosts, I do exactly the same when I invite guests from other parts of the world


As for chain control, certain national parks have requirements that you have chains on your tires or at least in your vehicle when you enter because of icy road conditions. They don't want to waste their time coming to pull your vehicle out of a ditch if you slip off the road.


Thank you for that :) For some reason I'm thinking of the park rangers in Yogi Bear :blush: Do the chain control staff patrol in vehicles or are they sat in a booth and must open the gates to allow you in?

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Thank you for that :) For some reason I'm thinking of the park rangers in Yogi Bear :blush: Do the chain control staff patrol in vehicles or are they sat in a booth and must open the gates to allow you in?


Now that is a question I can't answer. It applies mainly to National Parks out west. I live on the east coast and the National Parks in my area don't have chain control.


Now, in keeping with the topic of the thread, here is a link to a video of Miss South Carolina answering a question during the Miss Teen USA 2007 competition that is seriously painful to watch. I don't really think she is stupid, I think she just got nervous but it is funny.


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Now, in keeping with the topic of the thread, here is a link to a video of Miss South Carolina answering a question during the Miss Teen USA 2007 competition that is seriously painful to watch. I don't really think she is stupid, I think she just got nervous but it is funny.


That was cringeworthy. . . thank goodness she has her looks to fall back on, because if she relied on her brains, she'd be doomed :hihi:

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