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Sheffield slavery victim is son of top cop


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24 hr police are now outside this house according to Calender News. The CCTV footage is shocking, I hope all three of these "people" suffer while in prison.


It was silly to endanger other people when setting the garage on fire but the reporter on Calender did say local resident are glad it's happened.

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You moved away from Sheffield because of slavery?


I moved away from Sheffield partly because of employment opportunities, but also partly because of the attitude of people socially and how scary they sound and are in this city. I also do tend to keep myself to myself and isolate myself so much more, cos I cannot believe how aggressive some people can be, but when you meet them, they are all fake, nice and act as if they have never said or done harm.


I used to think Sheffield was "normal" until I realised that it is not, and I can see what people say about racism, aggression and hooliganism and so forth. It certainly is not how I remembered Sheffield to be when I was a child. I was disappointed to see how people are, and how they behave when I first came on this forum. Now families are right to tell me to steer away from certain people, areas, and groups.

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This is so bad. This is why I hate Sheffield and moved away.



Also, why is this man in this condition and why was his father not actually take care of him or to even help. Plus why is this man not turned to his own father for help? Presuming that the responsibility of fatherhood still stand.


The video footage really show very sick people's behaviours indeed.




I actually find Mr Kinsella's words very disturbing.




No, if you were his natural parents and you wanted children, then children are for life. Not just until they are grown into adulthood. You pave for someone's life and you gave someone a life, then you need to be responsible and be there as always. Not to use your own son's situation to broadcast and to make yourself look good as a chief who deals with human traffiking ! This is ridiculous.


I didn't read Nick's words as a means to make himself look good. I'm sure Mr Kinsella will be acutely aware of what people will be thinking. Nevertheless, this shouldn't detract from the fantastic work that he spearheads


It was awful what happened to Craig, and like Nick said if it could happen to his son it could happen to anyone.


Lets not be too quick to jump to conclusions eh

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I don't mind them getting a beating as it is a taste of their own medicine but setting fire to their property is uncalled for and not justified IMO.


Why would you think that? Is keeping slaves not bad enough?

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As maybe this is how we differ in upbringing possibly.


Families vary a lot in the way they demonstrate their feelings. It doesn't mean those feelings aren't valid or absent. Not being prepared to "sell your soul" doesn't make you a rubbish parent or child, it's probably healthier in my view. The point is that people do these things differently, and we need to respect that, especially when a family is going through a situation like the Kinsellas.


You can see where his loyalties lie in life. To his work and not to his own family.


You have no way of knowing this. Why should he emote on TV to satisfy us?

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It is wrong that the garage was set alight but at least it was not the house where it would have affected those next door directly.


A lot of the time where something really unpalatable happens it will get damaged or taken down altogether, like Fred West's house that they demolished. I am sure the garage was only a target because it was where they kept him and nothing more.

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