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At last - today i joined ukip.

Who will you vote for in the next general election?  

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  1. 1. Who will you vote for in the next general election?

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So Old Labour were no good, the Old Tories were greedy and destroyed our industrial base, New Labour were greedy, corrupt and dishonest and the New Tories are the same as the Old Tories.


Now I don't mean to sound like a cynical old git, but I am of limited intelligence so please enlighten me further, but how on earth will UKIP save the country when all our womenfolk will be forced to spend all day cleaning being the fridge :help:


EU EU EU, they are a one policy party and won't win but pretty good as a protest vote. Hopefully it will wake the main parties up a bit.


But Farage is a banker so will be even more up the arse of big businesses so don't count on him not being.

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You haven't changed your political preferences a great deal then.


lord sutch was right all along. the world has gone mad! least we can do is join and enjoy the party. :D


---------- Post added 14-01-2014 at 14:47 ----------


So Old Labour were no good, the Old Tories were greedy and destroyed our industrial base, New Labour were greedy, corrupt and dishonest and the New Tories are the same as the Old Tories.


Now I don't mean to sound like a cynical old git, but I am of limited intelligence so please enlighten me further, but how on earth will UKIP save the country when all our womenfolk will be forced to spend all day cleaning being the fridge :help:


at least under UKIP people will be able to put food in their fridges.


see my earlier post re cleaning behing the fridge.

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Which isn't the same as your original claim that life sentences have been made unlawful.


You can play with words all you like, the point still remains that the ECHR is effectively overriding decisions being made by the courts in this country.


As Gerard Batten MEP and UKIP Spokesman on Home Affairs stated:


"British prisons have many inmates who should have no prospect of release because of the enormity of their crimes. The ECHR has once again interfered in the British legal and system and asserted its authority. While it does not object to life sentences as such it says there has to be a review and a possibility of release.


"What this means is that if our worst murderers and criminals fail to obtain release they will then take their cases to the European Court and ask it to intervene. The ECHR will have the final say.


"It is wrong that a foreign court can decide when to release our worse criminals. Parliament should have the power to decide if certain crimes should have no prospect of release.


"This is an outrageous decision and illustrates once again why Britain should remove itself from the jurisdiction of the European Court.


That seems like another good reason to vote for UKIP....The list grows and grows. :thumbsup:





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People in Brussels who we did not elect have power over us that supercedes our elected government. No foreign person should have an ounce of power over Britain. We should be free to do things our own way, succeed or fail, it should be in our own hands.


However, we have no choice in the matter. If we want to trade and cooperate with other countries, we need to play by their rules. Even if we left the EU today, we would still have many other foreign parties forcing us to do things in certain ways. It's not just in trade, but all aspects of our international relations.


There is only way around this - to isolate ourselves from the rest of the world, North Korea style (although even they have plenty of outside intrusion).


Or the other, scarier alternative - actually positively engage the foreigners and work with them and make their rules work for us.


EU EU EU, they are a one policy party and won't win but pretty good as a protest vote. Hopefully it will wake the main parties up a bit.


I don't understand why people think UKIP winning MEP seats will cause any sort of change to the Westminster parties. They all know that UKIP can run around shouting "EU!!" and get seats at the European elections, but they have zero form at the Westminster elections where people actually think a little more about topics other than Europe.


Even if UKIP won every single MEP seat (they won't, it's basically impossible since seats aren't allocated by FPTP), they will be able to do absolutely nothing about our membership in Europe. All that would actually happen is a lot less British input into European decisions - an "own goal".


Basically, vote UKIP in the European elections for a worse British relationship with Europe.

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Isn't that the entire point of UKIP?


No, the point is to get us out of it, not let them run roughshod over us even more.


If people want UKIP to get us out of Europe, they should save their vote until the general election in 2015, and in the meantime, vote for parties who will actually constructively engage with their European counterparts and not just take our taxes to go have naps in Brussels.


If we actually elected some sensible representatives who were interested in the subject (as opposed to completely against) we might not have such a bad time in Europe.

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Obviously you don't get out enough, why do you think Camerloon is trying to claw back powers from the EU.


Because UKIP are stealing his votes :loopy:. You really don't understand.


---------- Post added 14-01-2014 at 16:31 ----------


Europhobes are increasingly looking like a bunch of little Englanders who have this bizarre notion that by getting out of the EU all our problems will be solved. Also they are under the impression that the EU is hell bent on taking our nationality away from us. Utterly batty. All of them.

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