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Who will you vote for in the next general election?  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will you vote for in the next general election?

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Lib dems increases their membership last year. Just saying.

But it fell sharply between 2010 and 2012, so it's lower than it was previously.

Here's some data: http://www.tomscholesfogg.co.uk/2013/06/political-party-membership-2/?oo=312#

And some more official data (but only to 2008 ): http://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/research/olympic-britain/parliament-and-elections/partied-out/

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But it fell sharply between 2010 and 2012, so it's lower than it was previously.


Yep, but still rose slightly year so the statement that all the three main party's membership is on decline is wrong. By the way Labour have a rising membership aswell.


---------- Post added 11-01-2014 at 23:31 ----------



You seen the date on the article?

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Lib Dems :hihi:


What was it that attracted you to them? Was it their promise of free University? Or was it their own Mansion Tax proposal that even they won't back now? Or because they want criminals in prison to vote? Or maybe the bedroom tax?


Well if you can't see the distinction between what the party stands for and what the party can do as a junior partner in a coalition then I can't help you.


I actually support the right for some prisoners too vote, not all but those in open prison should be allowed the vote.

I like how the lib dems are pro-business yet stand up for the workers such as when they blocked the Tory's idea to be able to fire workers at will.

The a lib dems are the only party that will keep us in the EU which is absolutely essential to our future.

And the Lib dems stand up for individual liberty, seen when they blocked the snoopers charter. Also they are committed to reform the House of Lords but due to Labour playing politics that won't be achieved this parliament



---------- Post added 11-01-2014 at 23:36 ----------


Yes, have you?


No just thought I'd as you for no reason.

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Well if you can't see the distinction between what the party stands for and what the party can do as a junior partner in a coalition then I can't help you.


I actually support the right for some prisoners too vote, not all but those in open prison should be allowed the vote.

I like how the lib dems are pro-business yet stand up for the workers such as when they blocked the Tory's idea to be able to fire workers at will.

The a lib dems are the only party that will keep us in the EU which is absolutely essential to our future.

And the Lib dems stand up for individual liberty, seen when they blocked the snoopers charter.


---------- Post added 11-01-2014 at 23:36 ----------



No just thought I'd as you for no reason.


Unfortunately Lib Dems are the most anti-democratic party aren't they? Because they are pro-EU, they would never give the British public a say on whether we want to be part of the EU.

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Unfortunately Lib Dems are the most anti-democratic party aren't they? Because they are pro-EU, they would never give the British public a say on whether we want to be part of the EU.


If you think the future for Britain is to be outside the EU i think your living in a different century this is a globalised world and we need to be working with other nations not sitting on the outside. In terms of a referendum do you understand how much it would effect business investment if they believed we were going to leave the EU?


Also in terms of the EU being undemocratic. Please remind me what's happening on the 22nd of May.

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If you think the future for Britain is to be outside the EU i think your living in a different century this is a globalised world and we need to be working with other nations not sitting on the outside. In terms of a referendum do you understand how much it would effect business investment if they believed we were going to leave the EU?


Also in terms of the EU being undemocratic. Please remind me what's happening on the 22nd of May.


I didn't say the EU are undemocratic (though that they are), I said the Lib Dems are undemocratic. So committed to the EU they are, they don't trust the British people to decide their own destiny by giving them the chance of a vote on our EU membership.


On the matter of democracy in the EU, did we ever get the chance to vote for "our" President. I don't recall ever seeing a ballot paper with either Barroso or Van Rompuy on it. What happened when France, Netherlands and Ireland rejected the Lisbon Treaty? They silently went about implementing anyway. There are forces in the EU that are committed to a federal Europe, I can't think of anything much more shameful than being a cheerleader for it.

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I didn't say the EU are undemocratic (though that they are), I said the Lib Dems are undemocratic. So committed to the EU they are, they don't trust the British people to decide their own destiny by giving them the chance of a vote on our EU membership.


On the matter of democracy in the EU, did we ever get the chance to vote for "our" President. I don't recall ever seeing a ballot paper with either Barroso or Van Rompuy on it. What happened when France, Netherlands and Ireland rejected the Lisbon Treaty? They silently went about implementing anyway. There are forces in the EU that are committed to a federal Europe, I can't think of anything much more shameful than being a cheerleader for it.


I can being a little Englander is quite bad. Also it looks like you've got a lot of your information via the UKIP press officer. If your that desperate for a vote on the EU you need to vote for a party that offers you a vote on the EU.

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