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Who will you vote for in the next general election?  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will you vote for in the next general election?

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23% is nobody, spread thinly around the nation. People vote for the big two because they stand for something. If your employer or partner told you they had 23% confidence in you would you feel emboldened? Wet pants doesn't have the votes to be 'kingmaker'. Ridiculously arrogant but to be expected from an out of touch patrician.


23% is near as makes no difference 1 in 4 people in the UK. Which is not "nobody". Also the reason the Lib Dems are the king makers is because the people put them in that position.

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23% is nobody, spread thinly around the nation. People vote for the big two because they stand for something. If your employer or partner told you they had 23% confidence in you would you feel emboldened? Wet pants doesn't have the votes to be 'kingmaker'. Ridiculously arrogant but to be expected from an out of touch patrician.


Lib Dems received 6,836,248 votes in the last election. That is 79.4% of what Labour received and 63.85% of the votes for the Torys.


That is not nobody.

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Lib Dems received 6,836,248 votes in the last election. That is 79.4% of what Labour received and 63.85% of the votes for the Torys.


That is not nobody.


It's nobody. It's certainly millions away from the right to play kingmaker. If you can't cling on to seats and have no power base you're nothing. 5 is a lot to lose when hey had few to begin with. At the end of the day the meaningful parties hold large powerbases. The Libs hold scattered spots. When Scotland goes independent and Hallam goes Tory again they'll hold even less. The sensible thing would be for the left and right of the Libs to go their seperate ways and join the grown ups parties.


If you were right the electorate would have supported AV to give the Libs more power. However they recognised it wasn't the electorate at fault, just the party that wanted the entire system changed to suit them.

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UKIP for me at the next Election.




Good for you







---------- Post added 10-01-2014 at 22:58 ----------



Thanks for being frank.


Well done!!







You're just the same person on 3 accounts, right.

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It's nobody. It's certainly millions away from the right to play kingmaker. If you can't cling on to seats and have no power base you're nothing. 5 is a lot to lose when hey had few to begin with. At the end of the day the meaningful parties hold large powerbases. The Libs hold scattered spots. When Scotland goes independent and Hallam goes Tory again they'll hold even less. The sensible thing would be for the left and right of the Libs to go their seperate ways and join the grown ups parties.


If you were right the electorate would have supported AV to give the Libs more power. However they recognised it wasn't the electorate at fault, just the party that wanted the entire system changed to suit them.


So on your opinion what percentage is required to be classes as a "somebody", 50%?, 75%?, 100%?

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So on your opinion what percentage is required to be classes as a "somebody", 50%?, 75%?, 100%?


33%, realistically it has to be beyond 40% to claim to represent a fair swathe of public opinion. I'd end my party if after 100 years in the wilderness I'd managed to amass less than a quarter of the vote.

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i have mixed feelings about foxes having seen and rescued many of the local cats from them.

i am not sure the recent badger cull was such a good idea.

a lot of local ducks and swans have disappeared, i am told EU migrants are eating them.



Up our way out in the sticks, our foreign friends are annoying the carp fishermen by catching carp, or any thing they can get to take and eat.


There has been a spate of cars broken into as well in the fishing car park, but no one has been caught yet so it could be any one.



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33%, realistically it has to be beyond 40% to claim to represent a fair swathe of public opinion. I'd end my party if after 100 years in the wilderness I'd managed to amass less than a quarter of the vote.


So only the Conservatives have a right to govern according to you. Also the Lib Dems have only been a party for 25 years so it looks like we've got a fair amount of time before we're disbanded :hihi::hihi:

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Also do you understand that the European Court and the EU are very different things. You do know that. Don't you?


No, they're not.


You're wrong there SevenRivers. The ECHR has nothing to do with the EU. It was founded and is run by the Council of Europe which is a separate body and has a lot more members than the EU does.


There is also the European Court of Justice which is part of the EU but you weren't talking about that.

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