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NHS & Care data scheme

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It is disgusting. The article makes it sound like insurers are looking for any excuse to bump up the premiums on their "critical illness cover" policies, which everyone has got wise to judging by the plummeting sales figures.

I almost bought one of these. The insurance salesman fought so hard to sell me it. It was a total waste of £36 a month. After getting home, reading the small print & realising that a)the cover is limited to very, very specific circumstances, b)it only pays out if you are given less than 12 to live- thats what they mean by critical, & c)life insurance & income protection insurance basically do the same thing and are more likely to pay out when you need it. Total fallacy. I cancelled it three hours after signing up for it.


Insurance is a joke here.


Much old fashioned middle aged out of date stupidity is still seen as normal and acceptable in UK.

It takes a lot longer for draconian things to catch up here not realising rest of world has grown up from that. But hey there are still people here that need money somehow, even if it is for selling some useless insurance.


A kid stealing a bottle during the riots will get full treatment, but there is a class of far greater criminals out there that are the toppers best friends here.

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The insurance firms who bought data on every NHS patient - and used it to push up premiums


The Staple Inn Actuarial Society said in a report that it used NHS data to track the medical histories of patients

The group used the information to recommend an increase in the price of policies for thousands of customers last year

Plans to roll out new NHS data-sharing scheme put on hold amid concerns over privacy and patients not being properly informed over the change



Another one!

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For those with no idea of joining the dots, the NHS data is part of a much wider matrix. Of course politicians do not want to frighted the children so semi truths will do, so some things you do not need to know.


Corporate interests, get data through NSI data base, its an open book,. We gather information on US citizens which is legal here, and the US gets the data on us, which is legal i the USA. Then the two exchange information, again legal.


All electronic data is collected, and stored, whatever it is, however trivial, just as the STAZI did, which is where the blue-print idea came from. It is stored, not to get at anyone tomorrow, but its handy. Say a cousin get into trouble, with the push of a button all data on your family and links through partners ad children are o hand, to manipulate and intimidate with. All medical, financial, telephone, work records, computer, music choices, friends, their friends and so on, in a never ending web of connections. They eve know what paper your whole family, friend, ad relations wipe their arses with, what you buy when connected to every event in everyone's life.


So we can refuse to let corporations have you data, but its a smoke screen, and if you let them have it you are complaint, if not a potential troublemaker, as you question things.


Next what can one do with the data, on you buying choices, conversations, and other communion would be surprised how easy it is to build a psychological profile on anyone, which could influence employment, getting loans and more.


This is not paranoia, as its logical, one cannot trust people, thus one can flag those that have a potential, ad influence their life chances.


The biggest joke of all is that it takes just a click, and one's bank balance disappears, just like magic if one wants, one ca influence people's decisions in so may ways, suitability for NHS treatment, they just never seem to get to that specialist. Let us not forget one ca also alter records too. So someone gets the wrong medication and dies, who is to know?


This is how to monitor people, weed out troublemakers, make life hell for some, its a game, and the dice are just not in anyone's favor, and the joke is no-one has a clue, and believe government promises, who are only in power for a short time, and governments change, but access to your data will never change, and legislation changes all the time

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NHS England patient data 'uploaded to Google servers', Tory MP says:

A prominent Tory MP on the powerful health select committee has questioned how the entire NHS hospital patient database for England was handed over to management consultants who uploaded it to Google servers based outside the UK.


Sarah Wollaston, who is also a family doctor and Conservative backbencher, tweeted: "So HES [hospital episode statistics] data uploaded to 'google's immense army of servers', who consented to that?"


The patient information had been obtained by PA Consulting, which claimed to have secured the "entire start-to-finish HES dataset across all three areas of collection – inpatient, outpatient and A&E".

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