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NHS & Care data scheme

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Still not had the leaflet , 6th Feb . According to some comments on the Daily Fail website , opt-out forms should be received by 14th Feb to be valid .


Did anyone notice that on the bbc's "pm" programme on Tuesday , the article on care.data was announced at 5pm as forming part of the programme , yet never materialised ? Instead there was an ridiculously long article about the guy on the Pacific boat .......what was that all about ?


On the bbc's press preview last night the comment was made that the care.data project might help victims of FGM , but apparently "abuse" records will NOT be included in the data project . The MSM do seem to have their knickers in a twist somewhat . Glad I have opted out in advance of the somewhat vague deadline - can always opt back in again if I choose .

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A GP decided to opt out all his patients and put his contract at risk.


Oh. That was quick. I rang my GP and then I am out. :/

The online info mentioned that the GP need to place 2 letter code into the system to opt out. This is a little bit too simplistic.

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I opted out last week , but now , according to medConfidential , the goalposts have , if ever they existed , now been moved yet again ..... if you opt out then your confidential medical data will now still be uploaded to Atos's system , but will be "anonymised" , so what was the point ?


Why is Ukip staying so quiet about this ? They are apparently following all my posts on the Forum but have not reacted in any way - does this mean they are complicit in the mass extraction of our personal medical data ? If so why ? All oposition parties remain eerily quiet on this issue, guess the ultimate protest solution would just be to de-register from my GP........... and have some false, dodgy medical information added to my record beforehand , so I can ID situations where data has obviously been "mined ".

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  • 2 weeks later...

I only heard about this "care-data" scheme last week and have decided to opt out. I have down-loaded the form and will be dropping it in at my doctors surgery today. I don't remember getting any letter about it and many others I have spoken to know nothing about it. I read on the BBC website today that the launch has been put back six months.



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Apparently the data upload has been put back by 6 months


Computer Weekly - NHS England puts patient database on hold

An NHS England spokesman said the delay was to “allow more time to build understanding of the benefits of using the information, what safeguards are in place, and how people can opt out”.


The move comes after the Royal College of General Practitioners (RGCP), the British Medical Association (BMA) and Healthwatch called for improved public awareness of the implications of the plan.


Earlier this week, the Telegraph revealed that NHS England’s own risk analysis admits that the planned database could be vulnerable to hackers or could be used to identify patients “maliciously”.


BBC News - Health - Giant NHS database rollout delayed

The organisation has accepted the communications campaign, which gives people the chance to opt out, needs to be improved.


There has been widespread criticism that the public have been "left in the dark" over the plans amid reports not everyone received the leaflets explaining the project.

I wonder if this means we'll have to opt out again once we've been properly informed
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I have a meeting with my MP this weekend after he said data was perfectly safe and mistakes are very rare.


Sadly he said that after his constituency office mailed me details of someone elses case that he was asking Parlimentary questions about. Ooops.


So he agreed to a meeting to discuss my concerns. I'll let you know what he says afterwards.

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I have a meeting with my MP this weekend after he said data was perfectly safe and mistakes are very rare.


Sadly he said that after his constituency office mailed me details of someone elses case that he was asking Parlimentary questions about. Ooops.


So he agreed to a meeting to discuss my concerns. I'll let you know what he says afterwards.


Ask him if he can find out exactly on what they are they are planning to release as part of the pseudonymised data set so IT security experts can assess exactly how hard it might be to deanonymise it.

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Ask him if he can find out exactly on what they are they are planning to release as part of the pseudonymised data set so IT security experts can assess exactly how hard it might be to deanonymise it.


That's question number 2, just underneath the first one that asks why they thought having an opt out instead of an opt in scheme was acceptable.

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