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New owners of The Shakespeare!!


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We had a walk in on Sunday teatime, very noisy children screaming/running about inside and the parents were even worse as they did not put a stop to this and even encouraged them at times, maybe give it another try on a quieter day.


Hi Dave , Sunday was crazy busy because of the boulder festival going off , so I probably wouldn't take that as norm. It's not too bad during the week but I do think weekends will stay silly busy for a while. Don't rule it out ! ( P.S no I don't work there or know the everly pregnant brothers )

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I gave the pub a go today, twice :) pre and post match.


Clean and a good selection of beers, a large patio area, with a bigger beer garden.


No issues at all, reasonable prices and well kept beers, A long with the Sheaf View and The White Lion a great pub run, all real ales all within 1/2mile of each other.


Just watch out for the front door exit:) the steep steps on exit are still a worry.

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DO the EPBs qualify as music? Saw them at SiBA earlier this year. Complete tosh. Fortunately Heeley is well down on my visit list.


Hmmm... the kind of comedy that surely went out with the Barron Knights in the 70s? No thanks. It is true what they say about Yorkshire sometimes - people here really don't change much do they?


Sounds like a.n.other Sheffield fringe pub to me. Nothing exciting to see. But maybe worth making that triangle a precursor to an (albeit brave) walk to the Broadfield.


Oh dear God. Thankfully there is no possibliltiy of me ever going anywhere near on a Sunday night...


As soon as I heard who had taken the pub that is EXACTLY the image I had of it! Good to know that my (albeit often cynical) opinion is also often correct... :$


How very old school ;c)



Fair enough, you don't like the pub – although, having never set foot through the door, I'm not sure how much value your opinion holds. Vote with your feet and go somewhere else, or simply stay at home.


Instead you've posted six times on the subject, denigrating the owners, Heeley, and Yorkshire in the process. I'm curious why you've foisted an opinion on something that doesn't impede your life in any way: a pub you haven't even been to. Are you that desperate for attention?

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Fair enough, you don't like the pub – although, having never set foot through the door, I'm not sure how much value your opinion holds. Vote with your feet and go somewhere else, or simply stay at home.


Instead you've posted six times on the subject, denigrating the owners, Heeley, and Yorkshire in the process. I'm curious why you've foisted an opinion on something that doesn't impede your life in any way: a pub you haven't even been to. Are you that desperate for attention?


Didn't say I didn't like the pub... I've never been. Tho would be nice to go sometime. I just need a good reason. And so far I haven't seen one.


If you actually read my posts you'd realise what I DON'T like are the EPB's, boring beer, singalongs and kids running around the place. This is the bleeding 21st century for Christ's sake? Has Sheffield really not moved alond at all in the 20 years since I left? It sounds like a pub that would go down well for family holidays in Skegness - not a serious drinking establishment.



But like I said, I would still go sometime- the posts here just inform me when it is best not to. Oh and thanks for taking the trouble to pick out all my posts. I'm honoured you thought I was worth the effort :c)


---------- Post added 15-09-2014 at 08:47 ----------


Just look at where he's from it says it all.


LOL. Nice trolling. I am actually from Sheffield (and work here) but have spent the last 20 years moving around between Leeds and the North East. When the time came to move back Barnsley was an obvious choice as it's nicely positioned between Sheffield (which I love) Leeds and Manchester. As such I get to go to all kinds of diffferent places. That would include here if it was any good.

Edited by DnAuK
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