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What's happened to 'Care in the Community'?

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22 was quoting him/her own words saying that Care in the Community is a joke. Then following insulting most people in the sector, they compared it MPs expenses. Can you see how it doesn't follow?


22 Also: Anna had insulted another poster who had written out an excellent synopsis, with a poor logical response which dismissed everything written.


Also, I'm used to banter with regular posters, I don't see that as a bad thing.


24 To me the response looked like someone either posting nonsense again/or drunk. Either way, I thought it was insulting to the poster, to the sector workers, AND to the people who it tries to help.


29 Mecky and I have lots of arguments. If you read a little closer, there was a dig in the second sentence of post 26 which I quoted.


Read the first sentence again in that post (26). It wasn't true.


People with learning difficulties and often mild difficulties/mild MH problems/(up to non-severe MH problems where they wouldn't be considered a danger to themselves or others) were often placed in asylums/MHosps etc. If you ever went in any, you'd see that it wasn't a nice place (or to be more accurate - it wasn't suitable for many). 'Throwing people out in the street' was a poor way of putting this. And though of course some people fall through the net now, it could be easily argued that many people didn't have any net at all in the past, they were just placed in institutions (out of sight out of mind perhaps).


---------- Post added 15-01-2014 at 00:41 ----------



This PT is obviously where extra help is needed, it's sometimes the same for young people who are in Social Services care (indirectly) and the care stops at 16.


Some charities help out with such cases, I'm sure your sister has looked at some of these, so I won't suggest them.




Do you think that being removed from society into institutions would have been better? I'm sure I know the answer to that. And that was my anger at the earlier posters.


So far *ash* on this one thread alone, you have referred to me as, "drunk" 'not living in the real world' 'Not having a clue' 'not having the intelligence...' also my posts as being 'dim-witted' 'pathetic' 'Pitiful' and (oh the irony) 'insulting.'


Any chance of you entering into a proper debate any time soon rather than just calling people names?

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So far *ash* on this one thread alone, you have referred to me as, "drunk" 'not living in the real world' 'Not having a clue' 'not having the intelligence...' also my posts as being 'dim-witted' 'pathetic' 'Pitiful' and (oh the irony) 'insulting.'



He's got a point though. This is just yet another one of your "woe is me, everything's miserable and it's going to get worse" threads, so it's hard to take you seriously. The only surprise is that you somehow haven't found a way to blame those naughty bankers for the number of homeless people.

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He's got a point though. This is just yet another one of your "woe is me, everything's miserable and it's going to get worse" threads, so it's hard to take you seriously. The only surprise is that you somehow haven't found a way to blame those naughty bankers for the number of homeless people.


Wrong again.


I am not commenting on a personal situation so how can it be a 'woe is me' thread?

It is however on behalf of people who get the sticky end of the wicket, and these people often have no one to speak for them.


Much as I love this country, there is still a lot wrong with our civilised nation and I will continue to draw people's attention to it, rather than let it be swept under the carpet and forgotten.


And the recession and all this 'austerity' IS the fault of the bankers....

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He's got a point though. This is just yet another one of your "woe is me, everything's miserable and it's going to get worse" threads, so it's hard to take you seriously. The only surprise is that you somehow haven't found a way to blame those naughty bankers for the number of homeless people.


Have you get a contribution to make to the debate about services for severely mentally ill people in the community; or are you going to limit your contribution to to making acerbic attacks on other forummers? At least Anna's posts are informed with a humanitarian concern for others (which you tellingly misinterpret as "woe is me"). Even cursory glance at your posting history suggests you're little more than a wind-up merchant who likes to spit venom at other posters, I suggest you're the last one to judge which forummers others should take seriously.

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Have you get a contribution to make to the debate about services for severely mentally ill people in the community; or are you going to limit your contribution to to making acerbic attacks on other forummers? At least Anna's posts are informed with a humanitarian concern for others (which you tellingly misinterpret as "woe is me"). Even cursory glance at your posting history suggests you're little more than a wind-up merchant who likes to spit venom at other posters, I suggest you're the last one to judge which forummers others should take seriously.


Thankyou Mr M. Much appreciated.

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