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Why do women cheat

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Surely as many men cheat as women. Otherwise who would they all be cheating with? :confused:


Look at the link on the first page. It's a reputable source.


It's like these surveys that say men have sex more often than women. Who with?


A comparitively small number of women who enjoy more than one sexual partner concurrently.

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Look at the link on the first page. It's a reputable source.


A comparitively small number of women who enjoy more than one sexual partner concurrently.


You mean the survey at http://www.statisticbrain.com/infidelity-statistics/ ?


It says:


Percent of men who admit to committing infidelity in any relationship they’ve had - 57 %

Percentage of women who admit to committing infidelity in any relationship they’ve had - 54 %



Hardly any difference, perhaps not even enough to be statistically significant. The way I see it men are having sex with women just as much as women are having sex with men.

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I can say, hand on heart, that I never cheated on any of my partners, in all of my (almost) fifty years on this earth, so far. (and it wasn't for lack of offers/ opportunities.)


Is it SO hard to keep one's hand on one's ha'penny?


^^^What she says :)


If I was unhappy enough to consider being with someone else then my partner would have been the first person I told, not the last.


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